chapter nine | obey

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yesterday I released 'if you think this is real life', which is my sannoh rengokai book and I will link that here for anybody that is interested

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yesterday I released 'if you think this is real life', which is my sannoh rengokai book and I will link that here for anybody that is interested. ----->



"Let's get these assholes!"

I shot a panicked and debatably nervous glance to a rainbow-haired Shibaman "What the hell? There's no plan of attack or anything!"

Shibaman laughed. "We cut through them like a knife."

Oyakou moved as one as the group of us surged forward, slamming into the unknown rival school as one solid unit. I'd never seen Oya fight as one before, and I had no idea how I felt about being in the middle of it. Shibaman was on one side of me, Tsukasa on the other as In swung the first punch at a guy who was a whole lot taller than me. He fought back, landing a punch to the side of my face that almost put me on my back before I rammed my elbow into the back of his head, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him closer before jamming my knee into his stomach and sending him to the floor.

We kept moving, and I stuck to Tsukasa, leaping over an overturned desk to help him fend off some guys with a sharp kick before spinning on my heel to kick a second, the steel toe on my Docs colliding with a head of blond hair. Tsukasa grinned, quickly turning to face me.

"Don't look now, but Murayama is staring." He laughed, firing off another punch.

Yasushi had found some clothes and had joined the frenzy. Nakaoka got knocked down with a punch to the skull, Nakagoshi struggling to get his friend out of there. Seki was hitting people with chairs left right and center, Fujio jumping down from one of the balconies with a ladder in his hands, taking out four of the other guys and catching Kiyoshi in the side of the head.

"Behind you!" I shouted to Tsukasa, spying a yellow hoodie behind the blond. He moved quick, and I piggybacked off that momentum to throw myself at the other guy, using Tsukasa's back as a spring.

We both hit the ground hard, inhaling more than enough drywall dust before I punched the other guy in the nose. Dazed, I grabbed Tsukasa's outstretched hand, locking eyes with Murayama across the courtyard.

So he had been watching.

Tsukasa grinned "We're just about done here, go bail out your boyfriend. I'm gonna go make sure that the guys Fujio hit stay down, maybe land a punch or two on Kiyoshi as well. God knows he deserves it."

I rolled my eyes. "He's not my boyfriend, Takajo!"

"Try telling him that! He's like a lovesick puppy."

I sighed, shaking my head before I ran over to Murayama, decking the red head he was fighting in the side of he head before getting him into an awkward choke hold. I turned to Murayama with a a smile.

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now