chapter twelve | furious fixation

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furious fixation

I ran back down the stairs so fast I thought I was going to trip over my own feet. This was my chance to truly show Noboyuki what I was made of. Flashes of memories form high school flew across my mind like an old film reel that had been loaded poorly. This was my chance to beat him, and to show the full-timers that I had earned my place here.

I went back to the beer pong room, staring at the motley crew of full-timers. Nakagoshi had fallen asleep on the couch, probably drunk, Nakaoka passed out behind him. Everybody else had seemed to gather around two teams for beer pong: Tsukasa and Fujio lead one side, Kiyoshi and Yasushi- both fairly drunk, they were probably losing- leading the other.

Yasushi was preparing to make his next throw, and as the ball flew across the table, I reached out and snatched it from the teenagers, met with much protest. Ignoring them, I turned around, slapping Nakagoshi's cheeks and hitting Nakaoka with a pillow to get them to wake up.

"What is wrong with you?" Fujio shouted, downing another sip of beer

"Murayama got jumped. Your leader is lying in a sad excuse for a bed, in too much pain to move!" I was exaggerating, but nobody needed to know that.

Fujio smirked "Murayama isn't our leader, Todoroki is. We don't answer to Murayama, or you. Just because you're riding his dick doesn't mean you get special treatment from us."

Mental note: Fujio is annoying without  alcohol and obnoxious with.

"Hah, very funny Hanoaka, I'm trying to be serious here." I snapped, grabbing one of the beer pong cups for myself "I know the guy that did this to him, I know how to beat him. And aren't you guys sick and tired of being treated like children!?"

A collective hum of agreement rang out around the room. I knew it would. Keeping these kids out of S.W.O.R.D matters almost made it seem like the people at Oya had no faith in them. But I did. Well, maybe all of them except Kiyoshi and Yasushi. they were wild cards I had no idea how to understand.

"Wait." Nakaoka grumbled, getting up from the floor and brushing his dreadlocks out of his eyes "What's happening?"

"The literature tutor is banging Murayama." Kiyoshi grinned, his stupid croissant-like hair shaking as he moved his head

Not thinking, I slapped Kiyoshi across the face, jaws dropping like flies as people registered what I had done. Yasushi's shock soon turned into amusement as a grin took over his face.

"You've got balls, Dori. I'll give you that." The younger boy giggled.

"The higher ups, they think you're too young to get involved with S.W.O.R.D. And maybe you are." I continued, nodding at Yasushi in acknowledgement of his remarks. "But you're never going to be ready to fight within S.W.O.R.D if you can't fight your own battles or follow orders. This prick we're going after, I've been trying to kick his ass since high school. So imagine how shocked he'd be if I showed up with an entire army of kids to beat his ass. This is the first step to people actually acknowledging you in S.W.O.R.D."

"Wait." Tsukasa spoke up "This guy is from Sato?"

I nodded "You must remember Noboyuki."

Tsukasa nodded, a huge grin on his face. "Let's do it. To hell with him, he never fought fair. Mind you, Fujio and I didn't always either."

"So what do you say?" I concluded, finishing the beer in my solo cup "Are your teams in, or are they out?"

Time slowed as druken full-timers turned to look at their leaders. Kiyoshi and Yasushi were talking quietly among themselves. Kiyoshi wasn't buying a word, but Yasushi wasn't the kind of guy to back down from a fight. Tsukasa and Fujio had essentially already decided, but were talking it over so that it looked like they were going to hardball. The Naka's were pushovers: they'd likely do the opposite of what everybody else was doing, so I had to make them decide first, that way numbers stayed up. Shibaman and Tsuji didn't say a word, simply turning to Todoroki for confirmation. But I already knew Todoroki was on my side. He liked a fight just as much as I did.

Nakagoshi spoke first, which surprised all of us "I think we should do it. Imagine the respect we'd get from the part-timers."

"We're in." Tsukasa said with a smirk. "Us Sato kids have to stick together, right Fujio."

Fujio grimaced, staring at the floor. Obviously he wasn't happy to be taking orders.

That left Yasushi and Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi didn't look too happy as he mumbled his answer, but Yasushi clarified for us all: "Count us in."

With a sly grin, I turned back to Todoroki. "Where are the keys for the lorrys? We sure as hell ain't walking, especially considering how drunk Croissant Head over there is."

Todoroki grinned, clearly excited about rebelling against Murayama, adding more fuel to the fire between them. "I'm pretty sure that they're in the main office, lemme go check."

It was a powerful feeling, leading the full-timers down the wide hallways of Oyakou and into battle. I hadn't felt this was since high school, though then I was more of a figurehead. Odajima was behind ll the planning, I handled the execution.

Todoroki came back quickly with an overstuffed keychain that supposedly operated the lorry. He threw me the keys, a panicked look blossoming across my face.

"Todoroki, are you insane! I can't drive this thing."

"I thought you were in construction." The full-time leader pushed

I shook my head vigorously. "Yeah, not driving a goddamn transport truck."

We stopped in front of the fencing to what the students and faculty of Oya considered to be the garage. I dangled the keys from my fingers, debating a reasonable response. To be quite honest, Todoroki was the only person I trusted to get behind the wheel.

"I could always give the keys to Kiyoshi, who's twenty-two, never had a license before and so drunk that he's tripping over his own feet." I crooned, shaking the keys in Todoroki's face "Or you could do it and we'd actually get there in one piece."

The full-time leader rolled his eyes, snatching the keys back. "Fine. I'll drive."

I turned back to the full-time kids, a smile on my face. This was it.

"Give us a speech!" Tsukasa shouted with a coy grin.

"Speech! Speech!" Nakagoshi started a chant, the rest of the students soon joining in with him.

I shook my head with a laugh. "You idiots heard the speech earlier. Get in the goddamn truck so we can go beat this sucker's ass."

That seemed to be enough as the group cheered, pushing past me to get to the lorry.


yeah this is filler. he next chapter is goign to have ore fighting and more actin and this book will be long as hell. it may be a while before I start my sannoh one so just hang in there lol.

amazing new gif header is by the lovely bbyzules  who i adore very much <33

amazing new gif header is by the lovely bbyzules  who i adore very much <33

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