chapter thirty - four | watch what happens next

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thirty four

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thirty four

watch what happens next

If there was one thing that I absolutely did not need at that specific junction in my life, it was for my father to come home from Europe early.

"What are you doing here, dad?" I asked, shutting the front door behind me "I thought you were supposed to be cavorting around the med with mother for at least another three weeks?"

Dad rolled his eyes, reaching for his coffee. "Something came up with your sister. Your mother went to Dubai to be with her, and I decided to come back and see you."

Ah yes. As always, Yumeko is the favorite. Figures that mom would choose to go to Dubai rather than come home and see me.

"Is Yumeko alright?" I asked, not wanting to come across as a total selfish bitch. I still cared about Yumeko, even if she didn't care enough about me back.

"She's fine. Something came up with her training, and that coach is being a bit of a twat like usual, but Yumeko is fine. I was there for a few days at the beginning of the week before she said it was fine if I came back here."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit jealous of Yumeko's success. She had everything I had wanted when I was a teenager: she's traveled the world, trained with the best of the best, she'd be off to the Olympics next summer. But none of that was ever meant for me. It still hurt to be cast aside by my sensei, the very person who had the most faith in me, just to be replaced with my sister, the younger, better model. She had been living in the United Arab Emirates for the last two years as part of a three-year international training program. Of course my mother decided to stay there instead of coming back to Oya.

I exhaled, dropping the plastic bag full of food on the kitchen island before giving my dad a hug and slumping defeatedly into one of the black wooden chairs around the island.

"What's all of this?" Noboru shot a confused glance at the bag.

"Food. I stopped by Housen this morning with Odajima, and the mom's wouldn't let me leave without leftovers."

Dad raised an eyebrow. "Odajima Yuken? That blond kid from Sato, right? The terrible influence?" He asked, obviously referring to the infamous Surzuran kegger.

I chuckled "Dad, if anybody was a bad influence, it was me. He was just trying to get me to be a little more social."

"So, what has my lovely daughter been up to while I've been gone?"

How to answer that? I probably shouldn't tell him that I've been cavorting with Oya's scariest and most aggressive, as well as taking on the Mighty Warriors single handedly or that I was now a mother-figure for an army of seventeen year olds from Hope Hills.

I coughed, trying to hide the slight pink that was now coloring my cheeks. "Oh, you know. I got a tutoring job, which means more money for culinary school. I've gotten back in touch with Odajima..."

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now