chapter twenty | madatarinee

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Furuya's party was the night the shit hit the fan.

Chaos was the only way to describe the graffitied school as I crossed into the courtyard, where all the festivities one would expect from a keg party were set up. Fujio and Nakaoka were playing one-on-one beer pong, Tsuji was doing a keg stand and a group of full-timers were rapping the Doberman Infinity song that played over the speakers.

As I entered the courtyard, numerous first years from the fight with Noboyuki recognized me, their greetings in the form of drunken laughs and shouted hellos that I didn't quite catch as I found myself rapping 'Jump Around' under my breath in time with the speakers.

"So, how do you like being practically a celebrity?" Todoroki laughed, passing me a solo cup. "Don't worry." He added "This is from a separate keg, not the one the first years are screwing around with." The nerdy boy jutted his head in the direction of the other keg, where Kiyoshi had traded places with Tsuji.

"My god." I laughed, taking a drink. "I hate it. I was never a leader, even back in high school. Not one for attention, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a little bit nostalgic. You haven't seen Murayama, have you?"

Todoroki nodded. "He's over by the barbecue. Just follow the speaker."

I followed the music towards the smoke of the barbecue, almost running over Yasushi in the process. That kid is so short I could barely see him over the crowd. Jamuo was absent, but that was to be expected. The kid was a nervous wreck, and in a place like this, I couldn't exactly blame him.

Murayama was sitting with the usual suspects (read: Seki and Furuya) next to the giant speaker set up and the small barbecue, under a banner that read 'Happy Twenty-Sixth Hideto". Behind the speaker, a girl with auburn hair was sitting with her back against the wall and her knees pulled into her chest. If I had to guess, I'd say she was Sakura Kobayashi, but I wasn't sure. Either way, she didn't look like she wanted to be here

"I see you idiots put more money into stereo equipment than actually fixing up this hellhole." I laughed, alerting the guys to my presence

"That is exactly how this place works." Furuya chuckled, reaching out to give me a high five.

I wished him a happy birthday before turning to Murayama and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Sorry again about Odajima. I haven't seen him in five years, I would have felt bad telling him to get lost."

"It's fine." Murayama said, pulling me practically onto his lap "Besides, who else is going to tell me embarrassing stories about you?"

I groaned in defeat, rolling my eyes back into my skull. "Can we not talk about my ridiculous lapse of judgment about Surzuran right now?"

"Hey!" Nakagoshi shouted, clearly drunk and sporting a white cast over his nose as a result of his fight with the other Nakas "Who put the Doberman Infinity on? You fucking dinosaurs, Sway is where it's at now!"

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now