chapter twenty - two | brand new numb

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twenty two

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twenty two

brand new numb

It was surprisingly calm outside the S.W.O.R.D District as I surpassed the speed limit on my way to Rasen. Hiroomi's words kept ringing in my head like a bad pop song. I probably shouldn't even have been driving, but I wasn't about to wait for Nakakuki to come back.

"Midori," Murayama warned from the passenger seat. "maybe you should slow down and tell me what the hell is happening?"

I shook my head "They went too fucking far this time."

"Who went too far?"

"Ice and his fucking lackeys!" I shouted "They trashed the site, god damn it!"

Murayama went quiet, likely letting me stew in my anger.

Two years of my life. The reason I came back to this godforsaken town, all gone now.

I swerved to a harsh stop in front of the site, barely braking the pickup truck as I jumped out of the cab and ran towards Daichi, who was aggressively kicking a scrap of drywall away from the front door of the townhouse. I'd never seen Daichi this angry before.

"I swear to god, next time I see that prick Pearl, he's dead!" The boy roared before kicking the tire on his car

"Daichi!" I shouted, running over to him "What happened?"

"Look for yourself." He sighed, slumping to the lawn "There's no way we'll get back on track before the end of term."

Hiroomi was fuming when he came out of the house, screaming into the receiver of his phone. "It was your goddamn security system, Sakyo! What do you mean 'the camera's are dummys', I thought this was the same shit you use to protect the gambling den!"

Around this time, Murayama had caught up with me, out of breath from all the running. Daichi raised an eyebrow at me, and Hiroomi sighed, telling Sakyo he'd call back later.

"We're screwed." The older boy proclaimed, throwing his phone on the grass instead of back in the pocket of his tie-dye sweater. "You don't want to go in there, Midori."

I shook my head at the former Daruma member. "Not happening, Hiroomi. You called me here at one in the morning, and now you don't want me anywhere near the carnage? I'm going in the damn house."

"Listen to Hiroomi, Dori-chan." Daichi sighed "It's not great in there. There's no way we're finishing this by the time term ends. There's nothing we can do."

"I'm going inside." I said sternly, pushing past Hiroomi and heading up the steps to the broken-in door. It looked like the Mighty Warriors had kicked it in.

I knew one thing for sure: I was Oya, Hiroomi was Daruma and Daichi, though he claimed not to be involved with the Hoodlum Squad was from Sannoh. This could easily become a S.W.O.R.D matter now, if it wasn't already.

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now