Part 3 - Him

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Pietro and Wanda were sent from their room to a hallway that separated two ways, they both went to two identical rooms, despite one major difference. The left room had an observation deck where HYDRA officers could watch and the one on the right did not.

"I'll take the one on the left.", Pietro stated confidently. Wanda gave him an annoyed look, she loved him but she got angry every time he would make decisions for her. "I don't want those guys looking at you," he said with aggression in his eyes.

As much as she wanted to protest but she realized that was better. "Okay, love you."

"Love you too.", he replied before placing a kiss on her forehead then running down the hall to his training area.

Once she entered her training area she saw clothes on a chair and went to the bathroom to change. Once she walked out she saw the Winter Solider waiting for her. It wasn't until she got closer that she realized that his left arm was completely metal. This made her curious why it was like this.

"Wanda Maximoff", he stated his voice dark and mysterious. It sent shivers down her spine when he started talking. "Do you want me to call you Wanda or Miss Maximoff?"

"Wanda would be fine.", she said acting like a timid teenager, which she was but never this bad.

"Ok, Wanda", then he paused taking in her physique. He found himself lost in a certain part of her body. Not her eyes. But when he realized she was looking at him staring at obviously now her boobs he decided to look into her eyes. Once he did he could feel his cheeks flush with red and saw her give him a slight smirk. He couldn't help but feel something familiar, but so far away from the Winter Soldier.

1 Hour Later...

Time after time of getting thrown on the floor by the Winter Solider he realized she was tiring and decided to call it quits. "We can stop for today." when he said that a wave of relief washed over her face. He saw that and couldn't help but chuckle.

When she heard the chuckle coming from this mysterious man, they both were shocked. She couldn't believe that the man that showed so much ferocity while fighting chuckled.

He didn't understand what was happening to him. First, he's caught looking at her body, then having feelings and urges while he had her pinned to the floor. He had been with women and some men within the last couple of years, but only for missions. Now he's laughing at seeing her relived about no more training for today. What was happening?

Before he found himself falling deeper into her charm, he put up his usual mysterious facade and saw her face drop as he hardened. He couldn't help but feel bad about this but knew it was best for the both of them.

He left the room without saying goodbye. As soon as he left he realized what he did and immediately hit himself.

She stood in the room confused about how their interaction just went. She decided to let it go and left going back to her room waiting for Pietro to come back from his training.

3 Days Later...

After days of the same charade of training and Wanda getting pinned to the floor then him getting distracted by her, she started to pick up on this and decided to take advantage of it. She kicked his leg out from under him and found herself straddling him while he was on the floor.

Both distracted by the tension of the situation he flipped her over now having all the power in this position. He didn't know what happened but before he knew it their lips were together and a growing problem in his pants needed to be solved. He started to rock against her feeling immediate relief and hearing a moan escape her lips which only roused him on more. He then realized what was happening and broke the kiss. She looked at him confused and got up immediately embarrassed at what happened.

He looked at her again thinking what the hell he was doing. "You're going to be the death of my doll.", he said laughing then walking out of the room.

She stared at the floor trying to understand what happened in the last couple of minutes. She still had an ache in her nether regions and knew she needed to take a cold shower.

Once in the shower, she realized that she had never felt this way with having actual sex with anyone else compared to the Winter Solider slightly rocking his hard cock against her. She turned the shower colder feeling her desire rise again.

After a while, she realized that no amount of cold water would get her to stop thinking about him. She turned off the shower wrapping herself in a stale towel. She couldn't complain though compared to her accommodations before. She and Pietro would jump in a river and rinse themselves off with stolen soap. They made them quick because the water was freezing and sometimes fishermen would catch and yell at them. After they would run as fast as they could to a nearby rock that had their towels that they had stolen from a house that was drying their laundry.

The brief glimpse into her past couldn't stop her from thinking about the Winter Soldier. She needed relief and contemplated between just doing it herself or finding a decent enough soldier that would be dumb enough to trust her. She realized that Pietro would be back from his training soon and decided not to risk it.

She got dressed and walked into the room whilst brushing her hair. Distracted by getting out a knot her trance was broken by a voice. "You sure as hell were in there a long time, I except no hot water will be there for my shower," Pietro said in a jokey manner that was familiar to her.

"Yeah," she said knowing that instead, she used up all the cold water.

"How do you feel about the Winter Soldier," asked Pietro.

Wanda looked at him shocked, sure she was busted. He probably fessed up to Pietro during their training time. "What!", she replied in a panic.

"Do you think he is a cool guy.", Pietro asked suspicious of her earlier reaction. She only ever got that defensive towards him when he asked her about Alexei or others in her past.

"Yeah, he seems nice enough for an assassin.", she said dryly. Pietro laughed at her response trying to ease her earlier reaction, even though he knew it wasn't right.

"Well I'm going to take a shower then go to bed, you should go to bed now you look exhausted.", he said.

"Yeah, love you,", she said and Pietro replied with a kiss to her forehead.

1 Day Later...

After an extremely sterile training session with minimal contact with each other Wanda couldn't take it. "If you're here to train me don't you think we should be fighting.", she said with sass in her voice.

He couldn't help but get excited by the tone of her voice. Then he knew that he was in trouble of falling into her charm again. But deep down he knew he fell for her charm when he first met her.

"Fuck it", he said. Confused by his statement she had no time to process before his lips were on hers and they were clinging to each other for dear life. She wrapped her legs that he couldn't stop staring at the first couple of days they met around his waist. He pushed her against the wall viscously which made her release a small cry when her back hit it. Almost on instinct, she started grinding down onto his dick making him release a moan. He pulled down her sports bar which thankfully for him was all she was wearing with black leggings that perfectly showcased her ass and put her nipple in his mouth. She felt the perfect amount of pain and pleasure when he bit down on her nipple and was ready to move to the next.

"Can we go to your room.", he asked only managing to get it out while moving to her other nipple.

"God yes, my brother will just have to wait to train.", she said with much satisfaction.

He pulled back realizing he had to get someone to cover for him, "Oh shit, I'll be right back, meet you at your room.", then he ran as fast as he could to someone that could occupy her brother.

She laughed then ran to her room ready for what was to come.

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