Part 9 - His Vengence

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2 Months Later...

After 2 months of laying low in the HYDRA safe house, Wanda had finally healed from her leg wound. A wound that had not yet healed was learning about the death of James, not confirmed but that was the only conclusion she could draw from him not getting to the safe house. Pietro did his best to make her feel better, hell he even went looking for him a couple of times when Wanda would go to bed. It was torture to hear her in her sleep cry out for James followed by her waking up and screaming. It would take hours at a time to coax her back to sleep and calm her down from crying over James, this went on for over a month and a half.

3 Months Later...

The Winter Soldier was now fully back in action, going on missions constantly and never getting a break. HYDRA seemed in a panic about two assassins went missing, they must have been important because he was sent on a mission to find them. He was given an envelope to open the night before his mission with his two targets, he was given an approximation of where they were. Strucker told him as soon as he found them the Winter Solider would have to kill them. Right before he went to bed he decided to take out the photos of the targets for tomorrow's mission. The first picture was of a man with electric blonde hair. (Pietro Maximoff, Male, 6'0 ft., 170 lbs., 18 years old) The next was of a girl, he couldn't help but familiarly find her stunning. (Wanda Maximoff, Female, 5'7 ft., 130 lbs., 18 years old) By the time he finished reading upon them, he was ready for bed.

Dream- "Good, let's bring her to headquarters and see what she knows about the Mind Stone Experiments.", said a man in a long black leather trench coat. He also had an eyepatch covering his left eye, mysterious? Before he could think of it too much he saw Wanda being carried over to a truck. He contemplated jumping down but it was at least a 50-foot drop, his ankles would break immediately. He took the high road and ran down as fast as he could to the ally. Once James got down to the ally, he saw the SHIELD Agents now getting into their cars. He looked around for his love and found nothing. He dropped to the floor crying and screaming out for her.

Out of Dream- The Winter Solider woke up startled about his dream, mostly by the fact that he couldn't remember having a dream as the Winter Solider. He was confused why the girl in the pictures seemed to be in his dream, maybe he was just thinking about her before he went to bed so that transferred to his dream. He couldn't seem to fall back asleep so he decided to prep extra early for his mission.

1 Week Later...

After a week of searching for HYDRA's missing assassins, Strucker told him they were presumed to be dead, not found at any HYDRA safe houses. After his failed mission, Strucker told him to take some time off suggesting that clearing his brain would help him for the next missions.

Brock Rumolw was HYDRA's second-best assassin usually getting the Winter Soldiers' leftover missions. But while the Winter Solider was on break Rumlow got the top tier missions. In particular Rumlow fashion, at lunch, he couldn't stop bragging about getting to kill this guy named Nick Fury, SHEILDS Head. He even went so far as to bring out a picture of him, describing how he would kill him.

Whilst he was going too far in detail, the Winter Solider found himself realize that Fury was the man in his dreams for the past week along with the Maximoff girl from his failed mission. He didn't know what came over him but all he knew was that he wanted that mission, he wanted to be the one to kill Fury. He got up and ran to Strucker's office, not even in the door he blurted out, "Can I be transferred to Rumlow's mission for the assassination of Nick Fury."

"Aren't you supposed to be on break currently?", Strucker questioned.

"Yes, but I don't feel Rumlow could complete this mission to the standards of me. He is HYDRA's number two assassin, right?"

Strucker smiled, "I love some competition, it's your mission. You leave tonight."

"Thank you sir!", he nearly screamed.

Later That Day...

The Winter Soldier was given a ticket to New York for that night. He boarded the plane anxious for Fury to be dead, again he was never this eager with these missions.

By the time he was all settled, getting weapons from a HYDRA affiliate it was about 10 a.m. in New York. It wasn't until 4 p.m. when he had successfully tracked Fury, he was at a house of a man that looked vaguely familiar. He couldn't quite match him to who he was but knew he knew him somehow. Once the shot was locked on Fury's head he fired seeing Fury slump down. He ran before the familiar man could spot him, he ran to the nearby ally where he could dispose of his weapons. Later that night he would go back to HYDRA Headquarters and tell Strucker about his complete mission.

1 Month Later...

Pietro ran as fast as he could out of the grocery store, food and pills in hand. He ran until he was blocked by scarlet energy, knowing that could only come from one person in Sokovia.

"We are not thieves Pietro, I understand you want to help but this is not the way.", Wanda said.

"I can't exactly return it now, it's the last time I swear."

"I don't believe that for a second.", she smiled through her teeth. "At least let me help you distribute this evenly, make sure not all the stuff goes to girls your trying to charm."

Pietro scoffed and handed her a couple of rolls of bread. They went throughout the town square giving the Sokovians food and medicine that they may have needed.

Later That Night...

Wanda had started experimenting with erasing the memories of HYDRA from her and her brother's heads. She started with hers and was successful so she decided to do the same for her brother. After weeks of doing this, they almost had no memories of HYDRA or the people of it.

It all started in her grief when she couldn't take the fact that she would never see James again. She went into her head and slowly strung out the memories of him, which was painful but necessary to overcome. Still, she couldn't stop herself from dreaming about him, more or fewer nightmares.

There were two different reoccurring ones. The first being after their first time together and she would turn around and see him with a bullet hole in his head. Another was her having to kill him and her brother, the second nightmare was far worse by her standards.  

2 Weeks Later...

Ramblings about Stark coming to Sokovia with the Avengers to storm HYDRA Headquarters was the talk of the town. After many days of talking about risking HYDRA finding them, they figured getting to Stark would be more important to them.

Their plan was for Pietro to distract the Avengers with his super-speed while Wanda would implant a nightmare to Stark's head. She first wanted to see him suffer then kill him in a painful death, appropriate to compensate for the death of their family.

Then the day came, news spread that the Avengers had come to Sokovia. Pietro immediately grabbed his sister and ran to HYDRA Headquarters. They said goodbye before separating to act out their plan, both hoping they could finish their plan without either being hurt or captured.

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