Part 13 - Love... Again

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(A Shorter Chapter)

"Hey doll.", was all he could say. She flashed him a bright smile before planting a passionate kiss on his lips. He was so overjoyed that he had no idea how fast they were moving. Before he knew it she was straddling him on the seat, kissing him passionately. He realized what he was doing but didn't want to stop, he had her back and didn't want to let her go. He knew they should at least close the door, in between kisses he reached for the door and slammed it shut. When she heard the door shut she broke the kiss and whined, "I want to continue but we kinda have to go get you somewhere safe."

He pouted then gave her a nod, "I really, really missed you doll."

"Me to love.", she cooed.

They walked out of the van hand in hand around the corner to see that all of their teammates were staring at them. Sam with a smirk, Scott with no idea in the world what was going on, Steve with a bashful smile, and Clint with an overprotective Dad scowl.

"Took you guys long enough.", Sam told.

"Shut up Bird Brain.", Bucky laughed. Sam shot him an irritated look followed by a quick jab to the ribs by Wanda and a frown by Steve. "Sorry", Bucky mumbled.

"What's the plan Cap.", Scott announced excitedly. Everyone looked at Scott including Steve who had a confused look on his face. "Captian America."

"Yeah uh, so I will go out first. Sam and Bucky I want you guys to run on the right side of the terminal, we need to keep Bucky out of Strak's sight. Wanda and Clint you guys run on the left side of me later, Scott you're going with them. We all need to meet up at the Quintjet or at least get Bucky and someone else to Zemo." They all nodded in response to Steve's plan. "Let's go."

Everyone started walking when Wanda felt and tug on her arm, she looked back and was pulled into a kiss by Bucky. She let out a slight squeak because of the passion he was putting into this kiss, hell her father figure was standing right there. Once they broke the kiss he pulled her in a hug and said, "We're going to make it. You and I will be the two on the jet. I can't lose you again.", he pulled back with tears in his eyes.

"It should be you and Steve, and I'm never going to leave you again. Whatever happens, we will find our way back to each other.", she reassured. He gave her a nod and they both ran to catch up with the others.

20 Minutes Later...

Team Cap was running as was Team Iron Man, no team had plans of stopping. Once both teams were about 50 feet from each other, they sized up their opponents and started fighting. They were no longer the Avengers but two teams fighting for what they thought was right. After about 5 minutes of intense fighting, Wanda saw Bucky and the Black Panther fighting. The Black Panther had Bucky up against the wall with his claws now out. Wanda didn't care who the Black Panther was, he was about to kill Bucky and she couldn't have that. She used her powers and threw Black Panther across the airport hitting a suitcase carriage. Bucky flashed her a quick wink as he ran off.

Just as the battle seemed to be leaning to Team Cap, a large tower came crashing down from Vision's mind stone. Wanda stopped running with Steve and Bucky and stayed back to hold the tower up. Bucky looked back confused why she stopped running with them, he signaled her to come with him when she just shook her head.

Their conversation from earlier replayed in his head, "It should be you and Steve, and I'm never going to leave you again. Whatever happens, we will find our way back to each other.", she reassured. He gave her a nod and they both ran to catch up with the others.

He gave her a quick smile before running with Steve again. Wanda used the last of her energy to keep the tower up when Rhodey blasted a sonic speaker which made her ears pound. She couldn't keep up the tower and cover her ears so she eventually let go of the tower. Steve and Bucky saw the tower continue to fall and rushed as fast as they could. They both got under the tower and were met with a surprise.

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