Part 20 - Disrupted Peace

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*Thank you to those who voted for the sequel, I will post it for the next two chapters and reveal what it will be at the end of this story. Again please vote so I can know what you guys want. Idea 1 is true to the comics being that Wanda gets possessed by the demon Chthon and goes on a path of destruction with no one but Bucky able to stop her. Idea 2 is Bucky and Wanda try to start a family but the remnants of HYDRA pick up on their idea. Idea 3 is about Wanda after trying to cast an extremely difficult hex and gets sent back to 1939 Brooklyn when she stumbles across a pre-serum Steve and Bucky with ramblings of the next great war on the way. Thank You!!*

"You mean to tell me I've been dating a 105 year old WWII veteran.", Wanda laughed.

"When we met I was closer to 100 and I technically died in WWII so...", Bucky explained with a sly grin. Wanda couldn't help but stare at the man she loved with her entire heart. When her parents died she felt a hole in her heart, when she lost Bucky the hole got bigger, and when Pietro died, it shattered. She had found a sort of family and gotten Bucky back, she could feel her heart repairing itself.

"What doll?", Bucky asked noticing her staring.

"Nothing. I just love you."

"I love you too but I don't stare at you like a stocker." She looked at him and he felt like he had to correct what he said, "Fine, I do stare but not so blatantly." She looked at him again, "Ok, I stare at you all the time cause I love you so much. I feel like I'm in a dream and if I look away from you or even blink you'll be gone."

She looked at him with complete love struck eyes, "I'm here, it's not a dream."

He placed a passionate kiss on her lips and she returned the favor. She was about to cross her leg over him so she could straddle his lap but he stopped her. "This is out of character for you.", she laughed and went back to kiss him.

"I know, but it's only been a day since you've woken up and I don't want to hurt you." She looked at him annoyed and was about to protest until he pressed a chaste kiss to her lips then got up. "I don't care what you say we have to wait at least a week. It'll suck but we can occupy ourselves with mundane activities to fill the time until we can actually do fun stuff again."

"What mundane activities are we going to participate in then?", she finally complied.

"I'm not sure about you but I don't really like the palace. I'm used to more of a hole in the wall type living situation and I thought we could move to the plain lands. Build a straw hut or mud house, have some kids." She looked at him shocked, it's not that she didn't want kids it's just that she wasn't expecting it so soon. "I of course mean baby goats but maybe the other type in the future too?", he said with no self assurance. His inner thoughts read, "You absolute dumbass, why would she want to have kids with you."

Wanda didn't like reading others thoughts but his were practically screaming at her. She got up and gave a little smile before she left to have Shuri check her wounds and she said, "Your not an absolute dumbass. Only sometimes."

He laughed at her remark before mouthing "Love you", which she quickly returned.

2 Weeks Later... *Smut Ahead*

Wanda had fully healed and she could indulge in many fun activities that she couldn't do previously. In fact they were currently indulging in a fun activity right now. Bucky had Wanda pinned against the side of a wall somewhere in the palace. They were supposed to be attending T'challa's official coronation ball but decided to head out early. Wanda had gotten the heads up earlier that day from Shuri that she could resume all normal activities and Bucky had taken upon that opportunity as soon as he could. "God doll, you feel so good.", he moaned while thrusting into her. Wanda was so lost in a haze of lust and near orgasmic bliss that she could only nod her head, not even able to form a sentence with the sensations coming over her body right now. With every thrust it grew harder for them both to keep their control over how much longer they could continue. Just as they thought, with one more thrust they both came spilling over the edge. "Fuck", Bucky groaned as felt himself release inside of her. He was met with a whimper from Wanda which was cut off by a passionate kiss from her lover. "Wanna take this back to our house?", she whispered into his ear while he sucked at her neck. "God yes!", was his reply as he led her through the palace back to their house, their house.

1 Month Later... *Smut Over*

Wanda and Bucky had fallen into their own domestic bliss, they had a house out in the plain lands, a small farm, and a couple of kids/goats (Steve, Grover, and Curly). They had made friends with most of their neighbors even though each one was at least a mile away. One of their neighbors had three kids and had become frequent visitors at their residence. Twin boys and their little sister enjoyed playing with their goats and having new people to hang out with in a generally deserted area. Their parents were reluctant at first to let their kids over because of the fugitive status they both held but after a nice dinner they became fast friends. Their mother, Rinkika was a former leader of the Dora Milaje while their father, Zumo, was a personal advisor to T'chaka before he died. Being around children really made Wanda want to be a mother, she didn't know it but it made Bucky want to be a father too.

After the children and their parents had just left Wanda got an incoming call coming from her beads. She stepped outside the hut and pressed the middle bead when she was met with a holographic Steve. Wanda was taken back by this due to the fact that he called them once a week to check in and he had called two days ago. "Hey Steve, what do you need?"

"Why do you think I need something, can't I just check in?"

"Yes, but whenever you do you call Bucky and you have a panicked look on your face.", Wanda explained.

"Your right, I need your help. Vision recently joined us as a rouge avenger, we didn't know if we could trust him at first but he pretty much proved his loyalty to us. He's been having nightmares recently and his stone has been acting up pretty bad. I hope you can-".

Steve was cut out by the bleating of a goat from across their land. Wanda let out a small laugh, "Sorry that's Steve the goat."

"Steve the what? Why did you name your goat Steve?", he asked.

"Bucky named him Steve because he said he reminded him of you. Stubborn, blonde hair, blue eyes, and an inclination to get into trouble."

Steve chuckled at that but he had realized he had to get back to the serious stuff. "I'm wondering if you could come with us for a little to check on Vision and the stone." Wanda was about to ask a question but Steve answered it right away. "I think Bucky should stay behind." Wanda nodded her head knowing Bucky's mental health still was not ready to go back to being an Avenger yet, hell, she was barley there.

"Send me the location and I'll be there tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Wanda. It'll be a couple weeks tops. See you tomorrow.", and then he was gone.

Wanda walked back to the hut and saw Bucky immediately staring at her. "Your leaving tomorrow?" She gave him a glance that said it all. "You don't have to go. We can leave that life behind."

"I have to go Buck. I got to help the team when they need me."

"I know. Be safe for me.", he said as he pulled her in to a tight hug. He couldn't lose her, if he did he would lose himself with her.

2 Weeks Later...

Wanda and Vision now sat side by side in the Quintjet along with Steve, Sam, and Nat. It was a strange experience for all of them, almost the whole team back together after getting out of a fight with two mysterious creatures. "Where are we going?", Nat asked.

"Home", Steve stated. Everyone knew what it meant including Wanda even though her home and heart were somewhere else. She would have to call Bucky when they landed, that is if she didn't get arrested upon her homecoming.

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