Part 19 - Stay with Me

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*Sorry for leaving you guys on a huge cliffhanger, school has been a bitch recently. Only 3 more chapters after this one. I have 3 ideas for a sequel so I will explain and if you guys could comment which one you like best. Idea 1 is true to the comics being that Wanda gets possessed by the demon Chthon and goes on a path of destruction with no one but Bucky able to stop her. Idea 2 is Bucky and Wanda try to start a family but the remnants of HYDRA pick up on their idea. Idea 3 is about Wanda after trying to cast an extremely difficult hex and gets sent back to 1939 Brooklyn when she stumbles across a pre-serum Steve and Bucky with ramblings of the next great War on the way. Your also welcome to pitch ideas to me with different ships, Wanda centric, which I may turn into a story or a series of one-shots. Thanks to everyone who has stuck around for so long, the first couple chapters were pretty crap but I'm pretty happy where we are now.*

They all looked at Bucky startled to the fact that he had barely regained capability of his limbs a second before he started talking. After their shock wore off about Bucky, they all turned to the Wakandan attendant who delivered the news. Shuri walked over to the attendant bringing him to a secluded hallway so he could explain his abrupt statement.

Bucky got up shaky legged and what looked like a waddle over to the direction of Shuri. Steve got up and reached out his arm to stop Bucky, "Give it a second Buck."

"No Steve, I'm going to find out what happened to her.", Bucky asserted.

As soon as Bucky said that Shuri walked around the corner with a clearly upset look on her face. "What happened?", Bucky ferociously questioned. Steve put his hand on Bucky's shoulder trying to calm him but Bucky brushed it away.

"Earlier today Wanda and Natasha who is apparently with Wanda trained with the Dora Milaje. According to Natasha they separated ways to shower before they would have lunch and Wanda was late. Nat walked to Wanda's room to find her unconscious on the floor lying in a pool of her own blood. She has no idea how it happened but she found her before near death.", Shuri explained. "She had four stab wounds on her body, one in each leg, one in her left forearm, and the last in her core. Whoever or whatever did this to her had intentions to kill her but wanted a slow painful death, I suspect this thing had a personal vendetta against Wanda."

Bucky felt his body tense at Shuri's lengthy explanation. "I'm going to see her.", Bucky said and not asked. Shuri didn't stop him but instead ran ahead of him so he wouldn't get lost. After traversing the hallways for a while they arrived at her room with Steve and Sam on their tail. Shuri used her security pass to open the door and as soon it was opened Bucky crammed his way in dropping to Wanda's bedside.

Bucky just stared at her for a second, she was still in her training clothes s which were a sports bra and yoga pants. Not only did it show all here wounds and bandages but brought back some memories to him. The first time he saw her she was wearing a very similar outfit, every time they trained she wore a variation of that outfit, the first time they made love he pulled off that outfit. It seemed corny but it literally brought a tear to his eye thinking of the life they had lead together, now her's could have come to an end and he couldn't handle that. Bucky held her unharmed arm in his large hand and started stroking it trying to stimulate something in her body. He looked up at the EKG monitor hoping to see a spike when he started touching her but he saw the monitor barely varied from its monitored normality. It was something to him.

In the background Steve turned to Shuri asking, "In all seriousness... will she be ok?"

"Yah, multiple stab wound but not extremely deep. It helped that she was unconscious so she couldn't make the life threatening decision of taking the knifes out. It also helped that Natasha was experienced enough to know not to do that either. I want to keep her unconscious at least for today, maybe tomorrow I will wake her. I just want to get her stable but that might happen at any time." Steve nodded at Shuri's response understanding it and grateful she didn't get to much into the scientific side of things because he would be lost.

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