Part 8 - The Not So Great Escape

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"What's the plan?", Pietro asked.

James approached him cautiously ready to get beat up again. "Wanda and I have a mission together in 2 days. We are going to a masquerade ball where SHIELD agents are going to be all over the place. Our job is to kill our target but not catch any attention from them, the problem is we don't know our target yet. So what I'm thinking is Pietro can get out of headquarters and meet us at the location. Wanda and I will ride on my motorcycle and you can run.", he said pointing over to Pietro.

"Where will we go after?", Pietro questioned.

"James knows where all the ex HYDRA safe houses are. We can go to the one right on the border of Sokovia, then go wherever we want after hiding out for a few days."

"Ok, let's do it.", Pietro said. Wanda shot both James and Pietro a smile which they quickly returned.

2 Days Later...

Wanda was given a dress by Strucker for her to wear to the ball. She wanted to hate it but she couldn't deny she looked amazing. It was a floor-length scarlet gown that hugged all her curves perfectly. A mask with the same shade of red was accompanied by the dress, it was simple but elegant. She decided to put her hair in a messy side braid figuring it would be the easiest and go with her look. She heard a knock on the door and replied, "Come in."

In walked James in a sharp black tux with a scarlet pocket square that matched Wanda's dress perfectly. His mask was black with scarlet details around the edges. James faced dropped when he saw her in the dress. She gave him a quick wink that made him blush more than he ever had. He just stared at her mouth agape, he didn't know how long he was looking at her until she said, "Are you going to keep staring at me, or are when gonna get out of here." He gave her a nervous laugh then a quick kiss before they walked out of their room.

30 Minutes Later...

Once Wanda and James arrived at a large museum where the ball was being hosted, they spotted Pietro across the street sitting at a cafe. He gave them a nod which they returned. They walked hand in hand into the museum quickly greeted with friendly smiles by the waiters. Their target was a wealthy arms dealer that had stolen weapons from HYDRA in the past. He was at the ball to meet a customer about selling HYDRA's weapons, little did he know that they were there to get them back, then kill him. They were going to do the mission to avoid HYDRA suspicions for a couple of days. James was wearing a skin-colored metal arm to make it less obvious that he was the Winter Solider. Wanda spotted the arms dealer and tapped James in his direction, he gave her a nod then they walked over. "Mozhem li my zaklyuchit' etu sdelku v boleye spokoymon meste? (Can we do this deal in a quiet place?)" James said. Whenever he spoke in Russian Wanda found it so hot, she could barely speak it but could understand lots of it.

"Devushka edit s name? (Is the girl coming with us?)", the arms dealer said giving a wink to Wanda. James' hand in hers clenched and she gave him a quick squeeze to calm him down. "Konechno. (Of course.)", she said returning the wink.

"Tak today. (This way then.)", he replied with a mischievous smile.

James looked at her with a shocked expression that had anger in it. "I'm just trying to make him comfortable, calm down love.", she said. He gave her a kiss to signal that they were together which the dealer ignored.

They walked upstairs to a private corridor where the dealer pulled out keys from his coat pocket, "U belogo broda vnizu yest' vse oruzhiye. Gde den'gi? (The white Ford downstairs has all the weapons in it. Wheres the money?" James gave him a nod, he didn't bring out the money instead hitting him over the head. The arms dealer fell to the floor with a thud, Wanda was about to drag him into the supply closet with her powers where James would shoot him with a silenced pistol that was in his tux pocket when they heard voices coming up the stairs. They both turned to see the SHIELD Agents that Strucker had already told them about running up the stairs with guns toward them. James immediately jumped in front of Wanda when a shot rich-ached off his metal arm. When it hit his arm some paint chipped from his hand revealing metal.

"Probeg! (Run!)", he said looking over at Wanda. She stalled then decide he could take them. She shot a blast of scarlet to the window which shattered at impact, she jumped out of it bracing the landing with her powers. She ran through the ally and was met with 5 more SHIELD Agents. She panicked and turned around and was met with 2 more agents. She realized that she could just fly over them and reach her brother, so she did. Once she was about twenty feet in the air she felt a sharp pain in her left leg. Before she knew it she was falling toward the ground with the pain increasing. Once she hit the floor, with her last bit of energy and she saw blood dripping from her leg.

Once James had taken down all the SHIELD Agents inside he heard a man talking outside.

"Good, let's bring her to headquarters and see what she knows about the Mind Stone Experiments.", said a man in a long black leather trench coat. He also had an eyepatch covering his left eye, mysterious? Before he could think of it too much he saw Wanda being carried over to a truck. He contemplated jumping down but it was at least a 50-foot drop, his ankles would break immediately. He took the high road and ran down as fast as he could to the ally.

Throughout all the commotion Pietro found his sister being dragged out to a truck, his eyes flashed red again. He ran over to his sister and took them out at record speed. He grabbed his sister's now limp body and ran as far as he could, he had an idea of where the safe house was. After about two minutes of running, he saw a little shack that had a HYDRA symbol on the front. Once they were inside he put her down and immediately said, "Wanda please wake up, please."

"I'm ok Piet, it went through my leg.", she reassured him. Then it hit her, "Where's James?" Pietro gave her a sad glance then she burst into tears and she hugged him.

Once James got down to the ally, he saw the SHIELD Agents now getting into their cars. He looked around for his love and found nothing. He dropped to the floor crying and screaming out for her. He didn't want to give up just yet so he ran to his bike to go follow them, but before he knew it there was Brock Rumlow with a taser to his neck. He slumped over his bike and was picked up by two HYDRA soldiers.

HYDRA Headquarters...

James woke up to find himself in the same position he had about 10 times before, but that's all the times he remembered.

"That girl corrupted your brain Winter Solider. Good thing she's dead.", Strucker said walking into the room. James' face hardened at the mention of Wanda being dead, he didn't know if he could believe it, even if he wanted to believe it. "You won't remember her for much longer anyway.", and with Strucker's last words the familiar pain of the clamps on his head occurred. "Toska (Longing), rzhavyy (rusted), semnadtsat' (seventeen), rassvet (daybreak), pech' (furnace), devyat' (nine), dobrozhelatel'nyy (benign), vozvrashcheniye domoy (homecoming), odin (one), tovarnyy vagon (freight car). When the last word was spoken James eyes went black then he woke up.

"Gotovy podchinit'sya Zimnemu Soldatu? (Ready to comply Winter Solider?)", Strucker said.

"Da ser. (Yes sir.)" the Winter Soldier replied with no emotion. Strucker smiled at this.

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