Part 2 - A New Life

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Once they were separated by sex and ushered into labs, they were individually placed in a small white room. When in the room she was asked to change into a hospital gown and wait on an exam table.

She had been waiting for so long that she eventually fell asleep for what she assumed to be over an hour. She was only awoken when a loud knock on the door sounded.

"Come in," she said her voice sounding hoarse from just waking up.

In walked the man who gave the speech earlier, Dr. List. "Wanda Maximoff, am I correct."

"Yes sir," she replied.

"Twin sister to Pietro Maximoff and lover to Alexei Petrov, two other subjects of this experiment," he asked dryly.

"Yes," she mumbled unknowing how Dr. List could have figured out that information. Wanting to figure that out she was interrupted by 2 nurses walking in and immediately inserting a needle into her neck. Before she could protest her eyelids grew heavy and she drifted off into a deep sleep.

2 Days Later...

She woke up not knowing where she was but knowing she was being watched. Along with feeling watched she felt hurt and alone, longing for Pietro to come by her side and tell her it would all be ok just like those 2 days spent under the ruble. She looked up and indeed found that she was being watched by Dr. List and a new man.

Before she knew it the 2 same nurses from the last time walked in syringe in hand. This time she knew it was coming and decided to fight back. She shoved one nurse to the ground noticing a scarlet hue emerge from her hands as she did so. She punched the other nurse with the syringe emitting the same scarlet hue, this time wondering if it had something to do with this new strength she seemed to possess. Before she knew it she felt a pinch similar to before. She turned to see Dr. List himself standing behind her with an empty syringe in his hand. She fell to the floor feeling a type of darkness consume her.

2 Days Later...

She again woke up being watched but this time by a man who looked more around her age. He had mid-length hair and a cold expression on his face. Even with his brooding manner she found him weirdly attractive, he gave her one last look and what seemed to be a smirk then he was off.

Her thoughts are interrupted again by Dr. List over a loudspeaker to her cell. "Hello Miss Maximoff, I am here to give you my congratulations. You are one of only two people to survive these experiments." Wanda's face immediately goes blank thinking that Pietro could be dead. She thinks a moment of Alexei also but concludes to the fact that she needs Pietro more than her casual hook-up to take the stress of the day away.

Dr. List sees the distress on her face and reassures her in saying, "Your brother has survived, you two seem to be some of the strongest people in Sokovia. Unfortunately, your little friend Alexei did not make it, no time to grieve though, time to teach you how to use your powers."

"Powers, what powers are you talking about. Tell me where my brother is." Unknown to her her eyes started to turn red much to Dr. List's excitement.

"You obviously won't cooperate until you see your brother so you can see each other. Then you must both cooperate with me." List said trying to sound as nice as he could be.

"Deal, I'm not sure if Pietro will take up this offer but I sure will," she said being fully aware of Pietro's constant defiance of being told what to do. It could make her mad, but it reminded her of a better time when she would watch Pietro and her father getting into arguments about Pietro not listening to their mother. Back when life had some meaning.

1 Hour Later...

A door opened and in walked Pietro along with a bodyguard, at least she thought it was Pietro. He looked the same but his shaggy brown hair was now silver and laid back. Along with his hair being different, his eyes were now an electric blue compared to the hazel eyes before. This made her wonder if these powers changed her physical appearance too.

She reached for him in a hug touching his hair. "What happened to a month then leave?" she said choking back a sob.

" I'm sorry my love, I will get us out of here." And with his words, he was dragged away but somehow got loose of the guards and hugged her one more time. She wondered if these powers were happening to them, had they been changed by Dr. List.

Over the loudspeaker list chimes in again, "Now Miss Maximoff will you cooperate." She gives a small nod with tears running down her face. "Wonderful, now I need you to try whatever I ask, ok." She nods again pondering how she became a lab rat for this man.

2 Days Later...

After 2 days of being tested for every believable power, Dr. List concluded that she possessed telepathy, telekinesis, and a strange scarlet hue that emitted whenever she used her powers. She thought that this would only be the beginning of her powers.

She was finally able to see her brother again and he explained that he had gained super speed. After talking for over an hour List and a man now identified as Strucker walked into their now joined cell.

Strucker said, "My two prodigies, I believe you are both ready to train with HYDRA's other star." A man walks into the room with an emotionless expression. "From now own you will both be training with the Winter Soldier HYDRA'S top assassin will train you two to become future HYDRA assassins," Strucker said with a smile that was all but too happy.

It took her a second but Wanda eventually realized that the man called the Winter Solider was the same man watching her the other day. She was sure this would be the rest of her miserable life, but she could get through it if this man would be with her.

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