Part 12 - Look Into My Mind

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Bucky was getting dressed when he couldn't shake this feeling that he knew who that girl was. He couldn't take it anymore when he ended up putting his shoes on the wrong feet, he had to ask Steve about her. He walked over to Steve and almost on instinct Steve said, "She worked for HYDRA. You guys used to date but she doesn't remember anything and I doubt you do after how many times they reprogrammed your brain."

"I do remember her. She's the reason I took the Fury mission. SHEILD took her, I thought she was dead so I wanted revenge.", Bucky mumbled with tears in his eyes.

Steve patted him on the back, "Let's get ready right now though. You can talk to her later." Bucky nodded in response knowing full well that he would go see her when they were done changing.

He was just about to go up to her when he realized what a horrible mistake he could be making. What if she resented him for letting her go, get taken by SHEILD, and not searching for her. Worse, what if she remembered him and still loved him and he couldn't be the man she used to love. After a couple of minutes of his brain going crazy over the idea of going up to her, he decided it was now or never. He timidly walked to the other side of the van where she was lacing up her corset. He couldn't help but stare at her, it had been so long since he had last seen her. He didn't know how long he was there until she said, "You sure tend to stare at people for an almost uncomfortable amount of time."

"Well when people tend to be as beautiful as you it's hard not to.", he said with a small laugh.

"I think I remember you, I know parts of my past but I've seen you in some dreams.", she said looking to the floor. "I worked for HYDRA, you did too, my brother also. We were bad, killed people who were bad but still deserved a chance to get better."

"We weren't in control of our minds, I'm sometimes still not. It wasn't our fault, they used us as pawns in their twisted game of life. By the way, where is your brother. Figured he would be an Avenger too because of his speed and cocky attitude."

She gave a small laugh at the almost too correct description of her late brother. She didn't know it but a small tear ran down her cheek. Bucky noticed and immediately ran his thumb on her cheek but with his metal arm, she flinched at first but let him slightly graze her cheek. He looked at her and said, "I'm sorry. I should have guessed that was why he wasn't here.", he explained.

"I'm still not exactly sure who you are, hell even who I am but I want to know. I want to know why I see you in my nightmares, why it hurts so much to see you die over and over again.", she told. He gave her a weak smile because everything she said was all too true. He had days where he had no idea of which version of himself was or why he was still alive. He looked at the Winter Soldier not as a part of him, his evil side, but a virus that spread across him when he was at his worst. He had no idea what motivated him to do this, love or just wanting her to get the closure she needed.

"Look into my mind.", he let out. She looked at him perplexed. "Go into my mind and find out what we were. Once you do, you can decide if you want to have a relationship or not. I just want you to be happy, that's all I need."

She gave him a nod. She opened the door to the van and signaled for him to sit down. He obeyed and was ready for her to discover their past. He wasn't lying when he said he just wanted her to be happy, it would hurt like hell if she chose not to be with him, but he would deal with it if she chose that.

"Ready?", she asked. He nodded. She put her hands to his temples and dove in right away.

Memory- "Wanda Maximoff", he stated his voice dark and mysterious. It sent shivers down her spine when he started talking. "Do you want me to call you Wanda or Miss Maximoff?" "Wanda would be fine.", she said acting like a timid teenager, which she was but never this bad. "Ok, Wanda", then he paused taking in her physique. He found himself lost in a certain part of her body. Not her eyes. But when he realized she was looking at him staring at obviously now her boobs he decided to look into her eyes. Once he did he could feel his cheeks flush with red and saw her give him a slight smirk. He couldn't help but feel something familiar, but so far away from the Winter Soldier.

1 Hour Later...

Time after time of getting thrown on the floor by the Winter Solider he realized she was tiring and decided to call it quits. "We can stop for today." when he said that a wave of relief washed over her face. He saw that and couldn't help but chuckle. When she heard the chuckle coming from this mysterious man, they both were shocked. She couldn't believe that the man that showed so much ferocity while fighting chuckled.
He didn't understand what was happening to him. First, he's caught looking at her body, then having feelings and urges while he had her pinned to the floor. He had been with women and some men within the last couple of years, but only for missions. Now he's laughing at seeing her relived about no more training for today. What was happening?

Before he found himself falling deeper into her charm, he put up his usual mysterious facade and saw her face drop as he hardened. He couldn't help but feel bad about this but knew it was best for the both of them. He left the room without saying goodbye. As soon as he left he realized what he did and immediately hit himself. She stood in the room confused about how their interaction just went. She decided to let it go and left going back to her room waiting for Pietro to come back from his training.

Next Memory- After days of the same charade of training and Wanda getting pinned to the floor then Bucky getting distracted by her, she started to pick up on this and decided to take advantage of it. She kicked his leg out from under him and found herself straddling him while he was on the floor. Both distracted by the tension of the situation he flipped her over now having all the power in this position. He didn't know what happened but before he knew it their lips were together and a growing problem in his pants needed to be solved. He started to rock against her feeling immediate relief and hearing a moan escape her lips which only roused him on more. He then realized what was happening and broke the kiss. She looked at him confused and got up immediately embarrassed at what happened. He looked at her again thinking what the hell he was doing. "You're going to be the death of me doll.", he said laughing then walking out of the room.

Out of Memories- Bucky woke to see the most gorgeous, magnetic, green eyes looking back at him followed by a smile. She jumped into his arms knocking him back into the car. He took that as a good sign and let out a hearty laugh.

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