Part 4 - A Quick Romance

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He had Rumlow fill in for training Pietro, and telling him to train him for two hours instead of one so they could have extra time together. Once that was done he ran so fast to her room he swore he had the super speed for a second.

He knocked on her door and was immediately met with lips and legs around his waist pulling him into the room. He laid her down on the bed and pulled his shirt off and got ready to take his pants off but she stopped him. "That's my job for later.", she said in a teasing manner. The disappointment in his eyes was meet with compassion, "You can take mine off though.", she smirked with a wink. He automatically latched onto her shirt and bra taking it off then pressed kisses on her formed stomach while getting ready to take her pants off. He got her leggings off and was immediately meet with her panties already soaked through and took that as a sign to plunge his hand in. He made sure that he used his normal hand to not alarm her on their first time of many hopefully. She let out a whine when this happened and reached for his pants. He got the signal and took them off when they reached his ankles. She got her hand into his boxers in between her pleasure. She started tugging on his length and he started bucking against her. They both took that as a sign to go further. He took her underwear off and then took his hand out of her. She let out a small noise of protest but knew that meant something else was to come. He took off his boxers and uncovered his large cock hard and ready for her. This time she took control pushing him onto the bed, straddling him, and sliding down his cock. They both let out moans once he was fully inside her, they started grinding into each other at first sloppily then making it into a rhythm. With every synced roll of hips, they both let out moans, conformations of how great it felt to be joined like this. Again they started to lose sync and both felt each other get closer to the edge which only made them get closer. Eventually, the Winter Solider moaned out, "Fuck" as he felt himself release inside of her, which was met by a loud moan from her.

They untangled and just laid together for what felt like forever. Before they realized it he looked at the clock and saw that her brother only had ten minutes left of training. He sprung up from the bed and explained why he had to go. She wanted him to stay but understood. She saw how crazy her brother got with normal people being with her, so an assassin would be no better. They kissed before he left which tempted him to get back into bed with her but he used the last of his willpower and left. She laid back down in a blissful state of confusion and happiness until her brother got back.

1 Hour Later...

The Winter Soldier was getting ready for a mission when Strucker walked in on him. "Winter Soldier, ready to comply?", he said in a dry manner.

"Yes sir", he said with his face drooping after realizing what he had to do. But he put up a facade to avoid being reprogrammed because he did not want to forget his experience he had an hour earlier.

"You look different, happier. Have you come to terms with your missions, perhaps enjoying them?", Strucker said with a cruel smile.

"Yes sir.", was all he could say, he wanted nothing more than to smack that smile off his face.

"You have your target, good luck.", Strucker said before leaving. The Winter Solider looked at him with nothing but disgust.

2 Days Later...

They had fallen into a routine of training, or sometimes skipping training then going back to her room and did whatever they pleased. Pietro was now permanently under the training of Brock Rumlow, HYDRA's second-best, which made it easier to sneak around without Pietro catching them. One alarming thing was Strucker started growing more and more suspicious of what was going on, constantly asking about their status. Both always replied with "Nothing is happening.", getting less and less convincing to Strucker.

2 Weeks Later...

"Hey I'll be ok, don't worry about me," Pietro said to his sister while hugging her. Tears came down her eyes about being separated once again. "It's only a 3-day field mission then I will be right back."

"Ok", was all she could reply with and he was gone.

She went looking for the Winter Soldier who was the only other person always there for her, when she couldn't find him she realized he must be on a mission. She went back to her room hopefully waiting for him to come to comfort her.

The Winter Soldier was called into Strucker's office, he entered seeing him sitting in a large chair. "Ah, you're wondering why you here when you have no mission today, yes?" All the Winter Solider could reply with was a nod. "I'll spare you the anticipation, I know about you and Miss Maximoff."

The Winter Solider's face dropped, what would he do to him, more importantly to her. "I don't care about your relationship. It could be an asset. Just think, HYDRA's two top assassins together as a couple, you could live together and even have kids in the future. Future HYDRA assassins, just splendid." When Strucker finished he couldn't help but get angry at the fact that Strucker wanted to use their future kids. He also wondered why he had gotten so defensive over kids he hasn't even had yet. With a woman, he hadn't had enough courage to tell her that he loved her yet.

Before he knew it three men were behind him one with a taser that went to his neck and knocked him out. His last thought that he was too much of a coward to say he loved Wanda. He mentally told her, "I love you more than anything.". While Wanda was talking with Dr. List about her powers she stopped because she felt a twinge in her neck, but shook it off immediately. Little did she know the love of her life would never be the same.

2 Days Later...

After two days of no training and not seeing the Winter Soldier, the only thing she had to look forward to was Pietro coming home today. She waited anxiously for him, then a soldier said that Strucker needed to see her in his office.

She obliged and was nervous that it had something to do with the Winter Soldier, especially not after seeing each other for two days. She walked in timid and immediately took a seat when he pointed to the chair.

"I'm going to cut the pleasantries, I know about you and the Winter Soldier.", he said giving her an unforgiving stare. Her face dropped and her eyes started to glow red. "No need to get angry, I fully permit it." her face lightened but was still curious about this. "You could move in with each other, go on dates in public, hell we can even give you a house separate from the rest of the base," he said with too much cheer in his voice.

"What's the catch?", Wanda said.

He gave her a slight smile, "Clever girl, all I need is for you to take a simple test for us."

Wanda knew this was not what it seemed, "What if I don't want to take the test. What will you do to me."

"Nothing to you, but your brother is still on his field mission, it's not too late for casualties," Strucker said. Her face was filled with rage. "You goddamn bastard!" she screamed hot tears running down her face. "Give me the fucking test I'll take your fucking test!", at this point she couldn't control her rage, eyes a Scarlet red.

"Great that we concluded, follow me please.", Strucker laughed. She followed and was ready to kill him if he said one more thing. "Come into this room please.", he said as she followed. She looked around the room curious as to what was the test going to be. Before she knew it she saw two guys come from behind and tasered her till she dropped like a dead body. That was all she knew of her former life.

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