Part 10 - Tradgey 2.0

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"You didn't see that coming.", Pietro said with a snarky attitude.

Clint looked up at him confused at who this kid was and why he seemed to transfer from place to place in mere seconds.

Meanwhile Inside...

Wanda saw Stark go behind a false wall, to be honest, she had no idea what was behind this wall. She followed him but stayed far enough behind to that if he looked back she could hide behind a wall. Once Stark found the scepter that gave Wanda and Pietro their powers she knew it was her time to strike.

She came from behind and planted a nightmare into his brain. She stepped back and was met with Pietro who gave her a happy smile knowing their dream would finally come true. Stark fell to the floor screaming much to the amusement of Wanda and Pietro, at times they even laughed at his pain. All of a sudden Wanda was launched into his nightmare too, Captain America was on the floor yelling at Stark. Just as soon as she was in his nightmare she was pulled back out to see Stark screaming on the floor. He eventually got up and summoned over his Iron Man glove. Pietro was about to act as Stark picked up the scepter but Wanda stopped him. Stark summoned the rest of his suit over and blasted a hole in the ceiling before flying away with the scepter.

"We're just going to let him get away.", Pietro said with anger.

"I saw his nightmare, he will be the death of the Avengers and himself. The scepter is the key to his downfall."

"But we need to kill him, kill him for what he has done to us.", Pietro cried.

"The world will turn on him, others will want him dead. We will still get the satisfaction of killing him and be seen as heroes in doing so."

Pietro smiled at her answer then grabbed her as they zoomed off back to the town square.

1 Week Later...

Wanda knew it would only be a matter of time before Stark would act on his nightmare. Little did she know that it had already happened 2 days previous and was on its way to Sokovia.

A young kid by the name of Costel came running up to Wanda and Pietro, they knew him because Pietro momentarily dated his older sister. "Something is asking for you two in the church.", then he ran off. They glanced at each other once Costel said something instead of someone.

20 Minutes Later...

"But you will tear them apart from the inside.", Ultron said slightly grazing her cheek.

When he left Pietro looked at Wanda and said, "Do we want to trust him."

"No, but he will be our closest way to get back to Stark.", Wanda mumbled. Pietro gave her a slight kiss on the top of the head followed by an arm pointing to follow Ultron to learn more of his plan.

2 Days Later...

"You can still walk away from this.", said Captain America.

"Oh, we will.", Wanda remarked giving him a slight smirk. She couldn't help but place Captain America in a memory, not hers but someone close to her.

Before she knew it they were engaged in battle with the Avengers, everyone fighting with another. This was until Ultron looked over at Wanda and said, "Time to play some mind games."

She looked back and smiled before setting off on her little adventure. She went from Avenger to Avenger giving them nightmares until she reached Hawkeye. He placed an electroshock arrow to his head and felt immediate energy course through her body. It was such a painful feeling that she didn't even notice Pietro take the arrow off of her and take her away. Although it was painful, it felt similar to something of her past that had been very important to her life. She had no idea she was even outside until she heard Pietro say, "Are you ok, we can stop."

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