Part 7 - James and Wanda

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Once in the training room, she felt the confidence to share her concerns about Quicksilver. Before she could tell him he looked her square in the face, "What the hell is going on with your brother?"

"I have no idea." She realized that if something were to happen to him, her whole family beside her would be dead. The Maximoff's merely erased from existence with her carrying their legacy.

"Yesterday when he saw us together he looked like he wanted to kill me, but now he looked excited to see us together. That doesn't just happen overnight."

"I would say that he came to terms that I'm in love with you, but again he's my brother. He lost his mind when I got my first kiss, let alone when I lost my virginity. Now with you..." she was stopped by him.

"First off, love you too. And I'm getting jealous of these guys if they got to have you first, are they two different guys or the same one?"

"Two different guys.", she replied laughing.

"I guess that means I have to beat the shit out of two different guys then. Would have been easier if it was just one.", he smirked.

"Back to the more pressing matter.", she said irritated. "You think we can go to Strucker and see if anything happened last night that changed him?"

"We could, but I do think he would give us a clear answer. He's not exactly great at giving straightforward information.", he said. All she could do was give him a nod before burying her face into his chest to hide her tears. He heard her quietly sniffle then lifted her chin. "What's wrong baby?"

"He's all I have left. I... I can't lose more family. I can't.", she said now full sobs.

"I won't let you lose him, not on my watch. Plus... you got me too.", he mumbled the last part. It made her giggle. He thought she had the best laugh, chuckle, giggle, whatever it was it was the cutest thing ever. He pulled her into a bear hug that he knew she loved so much. "We have to train now though, not getting off that easy."

4 Weeks Later...

The Winter Soldier and Scarlet Witch had fallen into their routine and found ways for Quicksilver to fit in. After asking Strucker multiple times about what happened he assured her nothing was wrong, so much in fact that she started to believe it. Her brother was best friends with the love of her life, she had her own little HYDRA family. Why would she question a nearly perfect life, nearly perfect? She and the Winter Soldier were now going on at least 8 missions a week. He usually took the lead to avoid having her do the dirty work. Unfortunately, some missions did require her powers, after those the Winter Solider would comfort her and tell her she was still a good person. He wouldn't let her leave until she told him she knew she was a good person, she got good at lying about it. When he wasn't around and she was alone with her thoughts she would constantly beat herself up about it. 28 people, in 4 weeks she had killed 28 people, that's not even counting what the Winter Solider contributed.

2 Days Later...

He could tell by each mission she was losing bits of herself. After one particular mission, she just went to bed, didn't want to talk about it or anything else. She just wanted for him to hold her while she went to sleep.

That night the Winter Solider drifted into a darker sleep than usual.

Dream- The Winter Solider and Scarlet Witch were in their training room sparing. They were both going at it aggressively acting as in a real fight, almost too aggressive on his part. He finally got her pinned to the floor after lots of struggle. She laughed but he kept a stern look on his face. She went up for a kiss and he softly caressed her neck until he wrapped his hands around her. At first soft, then more aggressive until she was hitting him to stop. Her face was turning purple she got out, "Why", tears coming down her face. He looked at her with no sympathy in his eyes, "Hail HYDRA". Her body went limp, he let go of her neck and her body hit the floor hard. He looked at her with no remorse and got up, once he turned around he saw an extremely skinny kid standing there. "What did you do Bucky?", he asked. "I killed her for HYDRA, she was an enemy.", he said without skipping a beat of knowing who this guy was. "You loved her Buck, you could've saved her, got her out of here before this could happen.", the tiny man was now muscular in a red, white, and blue uniform. Before he knew it the man hit him with his shield over the head.

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