Part 15 - Torture

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Wanda woke up by being thrown into a cell, hitting the cold floor. She felt completely numb, it was almost like she wasn't even in her own body. The only thing that reassured her that she was still alive was the throbbing pain that started in the back of her head and now she was fully enwrapped in it.

She started hearing voices yelling her name, she was convinced she was going crazy but was met with another solution. She looked up and saw Clint pounding against the glass window on his cell. "Kid wake up! Wanda, please!", he screamed at the top of his lungs but it was muffled by a thick wall separating them. Wanda barely had the strength to look up for long, she had no idea what they did to her but it really weakened her.

Lifting her head again she saw Secretary Ross standing there with two heavily armed guards behind him. "Nice of you to regain consciousness for me to explain some very important things." She gave him a nasty look in response to his carefully put words to her. "You see this?", he said showcasing a remote in his hand. "This is a remote to control that shock collar around your neck. You show any sign of using your powers, rebelling, or even if we feel like it we will shock you and it will hurt."

Wanda's eyes glowed red with no remorse. Ross had joy in his eyes and she had no idea why until the shock collar went off. She remembered being shocked before at HYDRA but this was 100 times worse, her body went limp and she started convulsing on the floor. Once it stopped she just laid on the floor defeated.

"Ross, you prick! I'll kill you!", Clint screamed through the wall.

"Shouldn't have said that Clint.", Ross laughed before pressing the remote again. Wanda was standing when this hit her and she fell to the floor with a thud. She fell on the floor right on her face feeling her nose get smashed in the process. After uncontrollably seizing for what felt like a long time she grabbed her throbbing nose only to pull away and find her whole hand covered in blood.

Clint looked over at her and whispered, "Sorry kid."

"Don't talk to the freak terrorist Clint.", Ross said. He pushed the button again and Wanda couldn't take it this time, she passed out, luckily on her bed this time.

With Bucky and Steve... and Tony?

Bucky and Steve were going back and forth trading Steve's shield to gang up on Stark. Stark broke free and blasted Bucky across the room, he hit the wall extremely hard and got knocked out within an instant of impact. "Why are you doing this Steve?", Tony asked with visible pain in his voice.

"He's my friend Tony.", Steve declared.

"I was too.", Tony mumbled while on the floor. "You don't deserve the shield, my father made that for you and you're protecting the guy that killed him.", this time he yelled at Steve.

"Fine", Steve declared before dropping the field on the floor. He walked away and retrieved the semi-conscious Bucky off the floor carrying him to the Quinjet.

Once they were in the jet Steve got in the pilot's seat and punched in the coordinates for their location. After a couple of hours of flying, Bucky woke up on the floor of the jet covered with a couple of blankets. He looked around not knowing where he was but saw Steve in the front. "Stevie", he mumbled.

"Hey, Buck. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, where are we going?"

"Wakanda", was Steve's answer. Bucky gave him a confused look, the king of Wakanda wanted him dead. "Don't worry, I talked to T'challa, we're all cleared."

"What about the others? What... what about Wanda?", Bucky stuttered.

"T'challa informed me that they were taken to a maximum-security prison called the Raft. Once we get to Wakanda we can track where they are and break them out.", assured Steve.

Bucky felt a little bit better hearing they at least knew where they were being held but at the same time, his heart broke thinking about Wanda being stuck in a place like that. She didn't deserve to be there whether she was with HYDRA or not, if anything he needed to be in there. Before he could get deeper into his dark thoughts Steve said, "We're here." As Steve said that they flew right through a tree, both alarmed at first but then amazed by the city they came across. This was going to be an adventure surely.

4 Days Later...

After spending a couple of days in Wakanda, Bucky was in love with this place. It was full of technologically advanced sites but after a stroll through the plains, he found his true happiness. He knew as soon as he got Wanda back he would have to bring her here.

All of a sudden Bucky felt something on his wrist buzz. He looked down and saw the beads that Shuri gave him moving around, he touched the middle bead and Steve appeared as a hologram. "Hey, Buck. We have an update on the location of the raft can you come up to the palace."

When Bucky heard this news he ran as fast as he could arriving shortly at the palace. "You found them.", Bucky said nearly out of breath.

"Uh yeah. Shuri located that it is in the Atlantic Ocean, an underwater prison that surfaces every now and then. We have exact coordinates."

Bucky looked at Steve happy. He was happy that he would get Wanda back but part of getting her back was him getting better for her. "Umh, Steve.", Bucky said lightly.

"Yeah?", Steve questioned

"So I've been talking to Shuri and she can help me get better."

"That's great Buck, why do you look so scared."

"It involves me going into cryo-sleep. It would usually take only a couple of days to get HYDRA out of my brain but a big part of HYDRA was meeting Wanda and obviously I want to remember her. That will take a lot longer so I need to do it as soon as possible.", Bucky explained.

Steve gave an understanding nod but there was a hint of sadness in it. "I'm guessing you aren't going to go to the Raft with me.", Steve said.

Bucky nodded in response. "Go get her for me Steve."

Steve gave a proud smile, "You bet."

2 Hours Later...

After Bucky had gone into cryo-sleep Steve had to take a moment to compose himself before he could set off for the Raft. He knew Bucky was doing the right thing but he couldn't help but feel like he was losing him again. At least this time he knew Bucky would be coming back.

5 Hours Later...

Steve had gotten into the Raft with some difficulty but now he was in. He took down each guard with ferocity and anger for what they had done to his friends.

After he searched every corner of the Raft and taken down all its guards he finally found the cells. He saw Sam and Scott looking at him as their savior, he was confused about where Clint was looking until he looked next to Clint's cell. All he knew was that he was glad Bucky wasn't there to see this because he would just have about lost his damn mind.

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