Part 5 - The Scarlet Witch

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She woke up with a freezing splash of water on her face. She opened her eyes taking a second to adjust to the light. Once she did she saw Strucker standing with ten other soldiers' guns all pointed at her. She tried using all her powers to get out but was stopped by a stabbing pain in her neck. A shock collar was around her neck and every time it felt her trying to use her powers it would activate, she gave up after too much pain.

"Best if you don't try to fight back. Why don't we begin then?", Strucker said. As soon as he finished talking two metal clamps went around her head as the wrist restraints tightened. "Longing", with that first word she felt what she could only describe as eclectic shocks surge through her brain. "Rusty, Seventeen, Dawn, Oven, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One...", with each word the pain increased tenfold. Strucker saw her pain and smiled before uttering "Boxcar", with that last word and one last surge going through her entire body everything went black.

She woke up not knowing where she was, who she was, and why she was even alive. One thing she did know is that she was being stared at by a man with a monocle, another with a metal arm, and ten with guns. "Where am I?", was all she could mutter.

"You are at HYDRA Headquarters." with the monocle man's answer she was still lost. He picked up on this and decided to elaborate. "I am Baron von Strucker, HYDRA's Head, and this to my left is the Winter Soldier, your partner, and boyfriend," Strucker said laughing at the last part.

Her face shot over to her supposed boyfriend. He shot her a shy smile that couldn't help but warm her heart a little. This tall brooding man was shy around her, and wow was he handsome.

"But who am I and why can't I remember anything.", she asked.

"Your codename is the Scarlet Witch. You were on a mission with the Winter Soldier and a bomb went off. You both were in its line of fire and got blasted into a brick wall. You both lost large amounts of your memories and that's why you're having trouble remembering things.", Strucker said with confidence in his voice.

"Ok, but what am I to HYDRA.", Wanda asked looking around.

"Why, your one part of HYDRA's Killer Couple, a little office nickname for you and the Winter Soldier. You two are the two best assassins in the world. You with your powers and him with sheer strength."

"I remember my powers. That's the only thing I think I remember."

"Well I suggest you guys go to bed, you will start on missions again tomorrow," Strucker said. "The Winter Solider will lead you to your room together."

She got up confused, the Winter Solider walked over and took her hand taking her away to their room. THEIR ROOM. Once they entered they both sat on the bed in awkward silence. He decided to break the silence, "I'll take the floor if you don't feel comfortable about staying in the same bed."

"No, you would freeze to death. Plus I'm not that cruel.", she said with an awkward laugh. "And we're dating so we have more than likely done this and more before."

He laughed a little then thought about it. He would be so lucky to be with someone like her he thought. Breaking his thought she said, "I'm going to change into some pajamas. If I had some, would you mind if I just slept in my underwear and bra.", she asked.

"It's ok I was just going to sleep in my boxers.", he said his cheeks slightly flushed. She took off her shirt than pants, then she got into the bed. He followed suit then got into bed. They slightly looked at each other and said goodnight.

Flashes of scarlet went before his eyes. He woke up to the tossing and turning of the Scarlet Witch. Every couple of seconds scarlet energy would come from her body. He grabbed her arms and shook her until she woke up. As soon as she woke up she burst into tears and hugged him as hard as she could. He went to ask her what happened but her lips attached to his. Confused but intrigued he responded by turning himself on top of her. He kissed deeper not knowing why but enjoying every second of it. Before he knew it her hand was in his boxers tugging on his length and he couldn't help but kiss her harder with this new addition. He tugged on her panties and she gave a quick nod signaling for him to go further. He took them off then took his boxers off. He was surprised when she flipped him over now straddling his cock. Him inside of her felt so amazing that they both couldn't help but think they had done this before. Of course, though, they were a couple. With a couple of rolls of their hips, they were both about almost complete. With one last frantic roll, they both erupt into moans showcasing their pleasure. She got off of him and gave him a kiss a curled back into a ball while he cuddled her. They both fell back into a peaceful sleep not knowing the tasks that the Scarlet Witch and Winter Solider would have to complete the next day.

3 Days Later...

She woke up feeling two loving arms around her. She was slightly shocked when she found one of them to be metal. Panic crossed through her then she realized it was her boyfriend's, the boyfriend was weird to think. They had never really talked about that first night together but have repeated it for the past three nights. She would wake up from a nightmare and he would calm her down the only that seemed to work, with sex. The only problem was she was starting to feel more for him, he was supposed to be her boyfriend right. One day she mustered up the courage to tell him how she felt and only hoped he would reciprocate them.

One day while training with each other the Winter Solider had her pinned to the floor and was pressing light pecks across her collarbone. "What are we?", she asked.

He looked at her and said, "Well, if you would like I can be your boyfriend, again." She smiled at him then kissed him again, this time deeper. Before they could go further Strucker walked in.

They immediately untangled and stood next to each other. Strucker let out a dry laugh then said, "You two have an important mission in an hour, get ready.", then he left.

They exchanged a look then went back to their room to get ready.

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