Part 11 - Familar Faces

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Wanda was standing cautiously behind Steve waiting for Rumlow to make one wrong move to kill him. He looked very familiar to her under all his facial scarring. He must have known her too because he said amid Steve interrogating him he said, "Hey, been a long time." She could only give him a confused look.

"Who's your buyer?", Steve questioned.

"Your pal Bucky.", he said almost laughing. That name rang a bell with Wanda. Rumlow saw the look of familiarity on her face and smiled wickedly. "I almost forgot, your boyfriend. The love of your life the Winter Soldier isn't that right Scarlet Witch."

She was completely taken out of the situation, almost trapped in her mind raking it to find out who Bucky and the Winter Soldier were. Even why Rumlow was calling her the Scarlet Witch.

She was only brought back to reality when she heard screams around her. She came to and saw Rumlow pressing a trigger connected to a bomb vest. She instinctively wrapped him in her powers condensing the bomb but found herself quickly tiring because of the amount of energy she was using. She panicked and threw him up in the air hoping he would get high enough to explode safely, but she didn't have the energy to back her up. Rumlow flew only about 30 feet up in the air when his vest went off hitting a building in its explosion.

The next couple of minutes were a blur of screams and sirens. She hadn't fully understood what she did until she was picked up by Steve off the floor when he ran her to the Quintet. She sat in the Quintjet speechless about what had happened on her hands, she saved people but also killed others in the process. As soon as they got back to the compound she ran to her room locking the door with her powers.

2 Days Later...

Most of the Avengers had tried consoling her. Steve first, Natasha, Vision, hell Clint came up from the farm to try to help. She brushed Steve away when he first came to her. Natasha then came, she wanted to push her away but knew she would bust down the door if she didn't answer. Natasha words tried to be kind but came off as cold, even she knew that so she left. Vision merely phased through the wall, the amount of compromising situations he had found her in was only pardoned by his innocence. He gave her calculations that she had saved more lives than if she had done nothing, it only slightly reassured her. Clint came and she immediately let him in not wasting any time to get into his arms and cry like after her brother died.


Everyone was out of the compound besides Steve and Vision. She turned on the news and saw her name plastered all over it. "Wanda Maximoff Terrorist" on Channel 5, "Maximoff Kills 26 in Lagos" on Fox News, and "Are Enhanced Individuals Above the Law?" On CNN. She couldn't escape her name and eventually landed on Channel 5. Many reporters were arguing not over the fact if Wanda Maximoff was a terrorist, it was agreed upon that she was, but her punishment. Some were arguing for life in prison, some for solitary, even the death penalty was talked about. Before she could see a conclusion come through the tv switched off. She looked behind her and saw Steve standing in the doorway, she knew they would have to talk at one point. She gave a slight shrug and he entered the room sitting on the bed.

"You know why we're talking."

"Because I killed 26 people or I could have been in a romantic relationship with your best friend who happens to be the world's most wanted HYDRA assassin.", she said in a dry manner.

"I think we already covered the first one. Do you remember anything about him?", Steve questioned.

"I have nightmares where I see a man with a metal arm, we love each other but then he dies along with Pietro."

"Do you remember anything from HYDRA?", Steve asked. She gave a nod no. "If you have a dream again can you tell me?" She looked at him with a reassuring nod this time. They talked a while longer about the incident at Lagos until Vision phased through the wall and told them Secretary Ross was here to talk about something important.

2 Days Later...

After the introduction of the Sokovia Accords Wanda knew multiple problems would spur from this. She and Vision had always had a weird friendship but she was extremely confused after yesterday's events. The Vision was always kind toward her rarely being the cold and calculating person he was before but his words resonated in her mind now.
Control their powers rather than their powers controlling them.

There were some ulterior motives about keeping Wanda in the facility that came into play. She was mad at first but realized that it was completely true. She was a bomb that could go off on the slightest tick. Ironic that she was now the human embodiment of the event that destroyed her life.

Wanda was in the kitchen drinking tea and reading a book when she heard a loud bang followed by an explosion outside. She ran to the window and was met with Vision passing through the floor. "Please stay here.", he asserted.

She knew it would be best to follow his orders so she stayed there. That was until she heard a door slam open behind her. She knew there was a knife in the kitchen that she used to cut the lemon for her tea. She used her telekinesis to throw the knife at the person but stopped when she felt a familiar mind. She turned to see Clint who nonchalantly said, "Should've knocked.", pushing the knife away.

"What are you doing here."

"Here to break you out. We need you in Germany.", he said while shooting two arrows across the room. He took her hand and began to run when Vision from behind said, "Clint, I must ask you to stop." Before Vision could say anything else he was trapped in the two electroshock arrows that Clint planted. Wanda felt bad and stayed behind. "Come on, we need you, Wanda."

"I've done enough."

"If you want to mope you can go to high school. Now I need you to get off your ass.", Clint said. Before he could continue Vision melted the arrows with his stone and came for Clint.

After a short while of fighting Clint was now head locked by Vision. "You can't overpower me, Clint."

"I can't, but she can.", Clint said with a cheeky smile at Wanda.

"Vision that's enough." She used her powers to change his density to let Clint go. She then altered his density again to make him heavier sinking him through the floor.

"If you do this everyone will fear you.", Vision struggled while sinking lower to the floor.

"I can't control their fear, only my own.", she spoke proudly before sending him directly through the floor.

Before she could see him fully down Clint grabbed her arm. "We have to pick up someone else."


After a flight to Germany with Clint and a particularly talkative man, they arrived at the airport in Germany. Clint drove them to the parking structure where a beat-up blue bug was. Once they walked out of the car they were met with Steve, Sam, and a familiar face. A man with a metal arm and shaggy brown hair was staring directly at her, once she made eye contact he didn't look away but stared harder. In situations like this, she usually felt uncomfortable but was comforted by his gaze. She blocked out most of the conversation became she was lost in the mystery man's gaze. She snapped from it when he said, "They're evacuating the airport."

"Stark. Let's suit up.", Steve said.

Everyone nodded and Wanda walked to the other side of the car so she could change away from them. Once she was on the other side she had a flash of who that man could be.

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