Part 18 - Payback

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*Please reread Chapter 17, I messed up on the plot. If you don't want to reread just know I changed it from Bucky being awake once they got there to him still being asleep and waking up later. Sorry for the inconvenience.*

The team ran to a clearing that Shuri said the jet would be. They all waited patiently and hardly noticed due to the lack of sound that T'chlla was walking over to them with a small aircraft waited to be boarded. Once T'chlla reached them he took Steve's hand saying, "Glad you decided to come to stay with us for a while."

"We needed a break from constantly being paranoid, we can get clearance for some time.", Steve explained.

"Your welcome to stay permanently if you'd like." Wanda's eyes flickered at T'chlla's response.

"We don't want to put you in more danger than you already are with Bucky.", Steve said. T'chlla only nodded his to Steve's words.

"Let's get to Wakanda!", Sam shouted trying to break the awkward silence.

5 Hours Later...

By the time they landed in Wakanda, it was 7 a.m. because of the time change, they had a whole day of exploring ahead of them. They were all shown to their rooms in the palace and took time to settle in beside Steve. Steve sneaked away to Shuri's lab so he could check on Bucky's progress. He walked into the lab and saw multiple people working around the tube that he last saw Bucky frozen in. Steve spotted Shuri typing away at a computer and didn't want to disrupt her if it was something crucial.

Out of the corner of her eye, Shuri saw Steve very obviously staring at her. She laughed a little before saying, "You can come over here Steve.", Shuri pointed to a chair next to her workstation.

"I didn't want to mess you up if it was something crucial."

"Trust me I would let you know if you messed me up during something crucial.", Shuri warned in a jokey manner.

"So will he be ready by tomorrow?"

"I actually will be able to get it done tonight if we can keep Wanda distracted for the rest of the day."

"Nat and Sam kinda came along.", Steve mumbled.

"How about you tell them why you are actually here. Let you and Sam just mess around all-day and send Nat to distract Wanda while training with the Dora Milaje."

"Will training take all-day?", Steve asked.

"No, but they will be tired enough to not leave their rooms for the rest of the day."

"Ok, I'll go tell them.", Steve said walking out of the room.

2 Hours Later...

Once Steve discreetly explained the plan to Nat and Sam they were all acting out their part of it. Natasha walked to Wanda's room and knocked on the door. "What", Wanda replied opening the door with her magic while she laid on the bed.

"Thanks for the warm welcome."

"Sorry, just in a mood." Natasha gave her a concerned look and Wanda elaborated. "I'm here but not with him, even though he is here."

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