Part 6 - Quicksilver

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They walked hand and hand down the hallway and Pietro walked up to his sister. She remembered that he was her brother she remembered most of her childhood. He stared at her with the Winter Soldier and gave her a weak smile, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went on her way.

Pietro looked back one more time making sure he wasn't hallucinating what he just saw. When he realized it was all too real he booked it to Strucker's office. Strucker saw a flash of silver and pointed for him to sit when he entered the room.

"What can I do for you Pietro?", Strucker asked.

"My sister and the Winter Soldier, what's going on there?"

"They are a couple, always have been." Pietro gave Strucker a confused look. "No time for questions, you're going on another field mission."

"Can I at least say goodbye to my sister first?", Pietro said with pain in his voice.

"She's getting ready for her mission, and you need to leave now," Strucker said and two men approached Pietro. They shocked his neck till he dropped and was dragged out of the room.

1 Hour Later...

The Winter Soldier and Scarlet Witch were waiting for their instructions for their mission when Strucker walked in. "Your target is Dr. List.", the Scarlet Witch's ear perked up at this. "I need you to make it look like suicide on his part. I don't care how you kill him, just don't leave any evidence." They both nodded. "He is currently in his home, all you have to do is kill him and I'll send someone to clean the body tomorrow. Now off you go."

They walked to the garage where the Winter Soldier's bike was. They both got on and went on their way to Dr. List's house, why Dr. List she thought. They arrived at a small, sensible house where no lights were on. The Winter Soldier was about to break into the front door when the Scarlet Witch reminded him it was supposed to look like a suicide. They went around the back and she unlocked the door with her powers. They saw List asleep in a sofa chair. She signaled to him to knock List out from behind, he complied. He got behind List and hit him over the head with the bottom of his rifle. Once they were sure he was out she got a sharp knife and put it in her gloved hand. She sliced his throat feeling slight pain watching herself do it. Once it was done, she opened his now stiff hand and put the knife in it. She checked his pulse and gave him a quick nod, and then he gave her a slight hug. He could see the hurt in her eyes and couldn't help but feel bad. He had been doing this for so long that he knew how to cancel out his emotions, but now he had someone else to care about. They left the house and she locked the door with her powers and got on the motorcycle.

Back at HYDRA Headquarters...

Once they were back at Headquarters the Winter Solider thought it would be time to have some fun with his girlfriend. HIS Girlfriend. The most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on was his.

When they were back in their room and starting to get undressed he decided to grab her waist and placed kisses along her collarbone. "What are you doing.", she scoffed. He realized the slight irritation in her voice but continued because she wasn't protesting. "I'm only trying to finish what we started earlier, if you want me to stop I will, but I don't think you want me to.", he said jokingly. She gave a wicked smile that made him press his luck even further. He turned her around and lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He laid her down on the bed and she tried pulling him up but he shook his head. "I just want to make you feel better after that mission.", he said in a husky voice.

She stopped him, "What makes you think I need to feel better?"

"I saw your face while killing List. You were hurting inside, it was a pain to you, babe."

"Yeah, I can't just be like you and go blank during missions! I'm taking human lives, it doesn't matter what they did, they're dying! And why List, is HYDRA that paranoid that he is going to go on about what happened during the experiments that they have to kill him!", she said practically screaming with tears running down her now scarlet eyes.

"You think I don't feel bad, you don't think I feel like shit every time I kill someone! Now imagine seeing the woman I love having to kill people and see her get hurt by that! I would do anything to see you never get hurt again!", he said with passion in his voice.

"You love me?"

"That's all you got from that?", he joked. He thought because of the heat of the situation she would continue to yell at him but instead, she kissed him. It was unlike most of their kisses. They had their fair share of passion and roughness in sex but this was unlike anything, it was love. He pinned her against the wall and she let out a squeak when he did so. He immediately took off her panties and his boxers, without warning he filled her with him and she couldn't help but release a muffled scream. She could only contain the pleasure by biting down on his shoulder which made him only go harder. He felt her walls tighten around his cock but he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of him cumming just yet. He kept going throughout her first orgasm and would not stop until he felt himself cum. Without letting her catch her breath he kept pumping inside her and immediately felt himself get close. The familiar feeling set both of them off into screams of pleasure. The way they were going the whole headquarters could have heard them. To be honest, they didn't give a fuck, they felt like the only two people in the world. After riding out their orgasms together she managed to say, "I love you more than anything, goddammit I love you!"

His face broke into delight and he knew he couldn't go again so he tucked her into bed and cuddled together until they fell into a blissful sleep wrapped in each other's loving arms.


The Winter Solider woke up and saw the love of his life resting peacefully. As much as he wanted to watch her like this for the rest of the time, he knew they had to get breakfast before training. He kissed her cheek and left a trail of her pecks leading down to her chest. With the last kiss before things could get scandalous, she woke up. When he saw her wake up he couldn't help but say, "Good morning my love.", emphasizing the last part.

"Oh, I could get used to that.", she said with a kiss.

"Me too.", he said with a laugh. "I want to stay here with you forever but we need to eat a big breakfast before training today."

"Why, I know the trainer. I'm sure I could get him to skip it today."

"Maybe we will skip training. You might get another workout today.", he said with a mischievous smile. "But no, we will need to train.", she gave him a pouty face. "God, you're cute but seriously."

"I know, I know. We're going to work out again later tonight though right?"

"Yes!", he practically screamed. She laughed and got ready for breakfast.

While at breakfast she saw Pietro walk into the mess hall. "Pietro, over here."

He looked confused for a second then went over to her. "Hi, Scarlet Witch. Winter Soldier," he said with a nod. "If you don't mind I would like to go by Quicksilver now."

"Of course Piet... Uhm, Quicksilver," she said with a fake smile. "How did your last mission go with Rumlow?"

"Great, how about yours?"

"Good, fast, and easy.", replied the Winter Solider. He saw the Scarlet Witch's face contort at the mention of the mission. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "We have to go, training to do. See you later."

"Later", Quicksilver replied. He hugged his sister then they were off.

They both looked at each other slightly confused but decided to brush it off. He opened the door to the training room, "My love."

"Thank you my love.", she replied pulling him into the room with a kiss.

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