Part 22 - The Semi Bitter End

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*It's official, Idea 2 is the chosen topic for the sequel. Let me refresh your memories- Idea 2 is Bucky and Wanda try to start a family but the remnants of HYDRA pick up on their idea. Thanks to all the people who voted! The sequel will most likely be that last of this installation unless I get other ideas to continue. After that is over I will either move to another ship or write a different story with the same ship. Thanks again for supporting my story.*

Light pierced through Wanda's eyes as she suddenly came too. She looked around and saw she was in the place she last remembered being, the Wakandan field were she killed Vision. She yelled for her team members but got no response so she found a nearby log and just broke down. Tears flooded through her eyes, she was completely and utterly alone, her worst fear had come true.

It wasn't until a familiar voice called out to her that she realized what was actually happening. "Doll, are you alright?", said Bucky in a soothing manner.

She looked up at him and saw him holding a small girl with her green eyes and his deep brown hair. From behind his leg she saw a boy staring at her with the same features but he spoke in a soft voice, "Are you ok Mommy?"

She had no idea what came over her but she immediately said, "I'm fine sweetie."

The boy grew a smile on his face and ran over to tackle his mom with a hug, the girl got down from Bucky's arms and followed suit. Wanda picked up the girl while Bucky wrangled the boy into his arms, hand in hand they walked back to their house together.


Compared to the light Wanda had felt seconds ago, she was now in a blanket of darkness. But out of the darkness came the dimmest light and she grabbed onto it with the hopes she could back to that perfect vision.

When she came to again she was in the same spot, she looked around to see if Bucky was there with their kids but nothing. She waited a second to see if anything would happen but nothing came.

Panic started to set in again when she saw some Wakandan soldiers walking around lost, where was Bucky, where was Vision?

As if he was there to answer all her question, the man she had identified as Dr. Strange came through a glowing ring. "Wanda, you are needed at the battle. Please come with me."

"Is Bucky ok, is Vision ok?", Wanda questioned frantically.

"Bucky is fine, unfortunately Vision's fate did not fare the same."

Immediate grief hit Wanda like a brick wall, her best friend was dead because she killed him. Then she had to watch him die but could've done something. "How long has it been?"

"Approximately 5 years.", Strange explained.

That set her off, 5 years wasted. 5 years that she could have spent building a family with Bucky. 5 years that she could've gotten over Vision's death. "Take me to Thanos."

20 Minutes Later...

There Wanda was, face to face with the man that had practically stolen some of the best years of her life. "You took everything from me.", she basically growled.

"I don't even know who you are.", was Thanos' witty remark to her.

Wanda couldn't think of anything that fit the situation more than saying, "You will." With those words she set off not to kill Thanos but torture him until he begged to be killed by her. Thanos came at her with his large double sided sword which she countered with throwing two large pieces of rubble at him. Thanos cut through them easily and had Wanda pinned with his sword, she used her energy to stop it from piercing her. She blasted his sword away then raised him up to the air where she had a tight grasp on him. Each piece of armor she removed was full of anger towards him, he stole 5 years of her life and another part of her family, her best friend.

By now she was crushing him and Thanos knew it was time to stop her. Wanda had no idea what was happening until she saw a stream of blue light come directly at her, she tried her best to form a shield but was to slow. Wanda was hit by a beam and went flying across the battlefield. She landed with only having near consciousness due to the fact that she hit her head extremely hard on the ground.

She batted her eyes open and saw Bucky with a goofy smile on his face and a hand to help her up. "Was I really your everything?"

"Among other things but you were a big part of it.", Wanda said half joking. He gave her a quick kiss before they walked back into battle together.

1 Week Later...

Tony Stark was dead, Natasha Romanoff was dead, and half the world had returned. With all that in tow, the day of Tony's funeral had arrived. Natasha's was a more private ceremony that took place a couple days after everyone returned. It was only people that Natasha would consider family and she felt honored to be among those people. But today was the larger but still homey funeral of Tony Stark. Wanda and Bucky really had no idea if they were going to go anyway.

They were in the car and both hesitant to actually start the car. "Are we really gonna go. I mean you've wanted him dead since you were ten and I killed his parents. Even if we want to go I'm not sure if we are exactly welcomed.", Bucky stated dryly. "You can text Clint and saw we got stuck in traffic or an excuse like that."

"I really don't want to go either but we should. I placed nightmares in Nat's head and you fought her as the Winter Soldier. We weren't her favorite people on the earth either, but still she was family. The Avengers were our weird family and Tony was a big part of that, so we're going.", Wanda explained.

Bucky turned on the car with a slight smile on his face, "You really do have a way with words doll." Wanda leaned over to kiss him as they started driving. It would be uncomfortable but it was the correct thing to do.

2 Months Later...

Bucky and Wanda had only just gotten back to their house in Wakanda. The government had to pardon them both for their crimes and the Wakandan government had to decide if they would let them back to their country. With the help of T'challa they were allowed back to their normal life though the same things were lingering on both their minds. When they were to be married and if they would have kids. Wanda of course knew they would have kids based on her vision, did he and everyone else have a vision of their best life while coming back. It was most likely only Wanda because she already had enhancements that connected to the mind and future.

One day Wanda couldn't take the weigh on her consciousness that vision took on her. She sat Bucky down and finally confessed what she had been feeling for all this time. "When I came back, I had a vision. I saw us with two perfect kids living our lives together in Wakanda. I don't think I've ever been happier than in that moment and every time I think of it I get butterflies in my stomach. I know you are sort of a traditionalist so we can get married first but we shout have kids.", she finally said.

"Let's get started."

"What?", was her only reply.

Bucky picked her up off the couch and threw her over his shoulder, "You heard me, let's start." Wanda giggled all the way to their bedroom. They were going to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

*Thank you for reading the full story, y'all have no idea how much it means to see so much support on my first story. I will continue and try to create a more regular updating schedule, about 2-3 times a week. Till the next story, thanks!*

*P.S. I can't for the life of me figure out a title for the new story so suggestions are asked for, yay.*

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