Part 16 - On the Lamb

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There Wanda laid on the floor in a straight jacket, with a shock collar around her neck, with blood all over her face and body. Underneath a dry lawyer of blood on her face was dark sunken circles under her eyes, signs she hadn't been sleeping or eating for as long as she had been in here. It pained Steve to look at her but he couldn't stop and only did when Clint yelled, "Let us out so we can kill the motherfuckers that did this to her!"

Steve turned and broke Sam, then Scott and Clint out of their cells with repeatedly hitting his shield against the thick glass. Once they were out they all waited not very patiently by Wanda's cell while Cap broke it down. Once the glass shattered they all ran in but with Steve and Clint rushing extra fast to her. Steve dropped down to his knees to check for a pulse which he luckily found but was extremely weak. Clint said to her unconscious figure, "Wake up Wanda, come on. Please.", now he was in tears.

"Our best bet is to just get her to the jet and get to Wakanda as fast as we can, they can treat her there.", Steve explained. They all nodded and ran after Steve who was now carrying Wanda's unconscious body over his shoulder. Once they were in the jet Steve laid Wanda out across a couple of seats which Clint immediately sat next to her with Scott and Sam across from him and Steve jumping to the pilot's seat. He punched in the coordinates furiously and set the speed to the fastest it could get.

3 Hours Later...

After cutting Steve's previous time of 5 hours nearly in half the rouge Avengers finally got to Wakanda. Previous to landing in Wakanda Steve called Shuri to inform her that Wanda would need immediate medical care due to her decreasing heart rate. Just as they all hoped Shuri was waiting by the helipad with a stretcher and two medical attendants by her side. Steve ran carrying Wanda and laid her down on the stretcher as Shuri and the other Wakandans ran with the stretcher to the medical lab. Steve needed a second to slow his heart rate down from worrying about her when he saw Clint rush by him and he decided to follow. Clint got lost in the many hallways of the Wakandan hospital but Steve had a better idea of where she was. They reached a glass window and saw Shuri warming up her version of an ICD which was likely better with the Wakandan technology she had access to. She shocked her once and got no response, she waited for a second to see if she got a reaction but went back into shock her again. This time shocks of red came from Wanda's hands and Shuri took this as a sign of success. Every couple of seconds red would come from Wanda's hands and after that continued for a minute she let out a loud gasp.

Her eyes fluttered open and it took her a minute to adjust to the light. She looked around but didn't dare move her body feeling extremely weak. Shuri looked across the room and saw Clint and Steve starting at the window very anxiously waiting for Shuri to signal they could come in and she did. As soon as she gave the signal they both ran to Wanda's side both looking at her worriedly.

Wanda looked at both of them with a faint smile from just being happy to be alive and out of that hell hole but when she looked around the whole room she noticed the most important thing was missing. Steve saw she was looking for Bucky who was notably absent and reached out for her hand. Steve saw the pain in her eyes but had no idea that she was thinking to the extent that Bucky was dead. "Are we okay to be alone Shuri, just for a second?", Steve asked.

Shuri nodded at him before responding, "I'll be back in 5 to check your vitals." then she walked away with the rest of the lab workers including a reluctant Clint.

Wanda looked at Steve helplessly scared that he was going to say what she was thinking, but he didn't. Steve saw the fear in her eyes and realized the severity of her thought process she was going through right now. "He's safe and fine if that's what you are concerned about.", Steve explained.

She looked at him with some hope in her eyes but wanted to know what had happened to him. "Where is he Steve?", she questioned. "Is he here, where even are we?"

"Were in Wakanda Wanda. He is here with us but I need to explain something to you first." Wanda looked up at Steve still confused. "Bucky felt like he couldn't control himself with HYDRA still in his brain. Shuri said she could get it out but he would need to enter Cryo-Sleep which is the easiest way to get it out of his head when he is not mobile. Shuri really has no idea how long it would take, she approximated it take 2 weeks to a couple of months."

Wanda looked up at Steve sadly but understood what was happening. She had vague memories of them talking about how HYDRA almost owned them, at least their minds. "It's hard to process but I understand.", Wanda said sadly.

Steve opened his arms for a hug which she was reluctant to at first but soon embraced it. "Take a couple of days to rest while we wait for Nat to come to. You, Nat, Sam, and I can get to a deserted SHEILD safe house in Spain while we wait for Bucky to get better."

Wanda didn't want to but knew she had to go, she would be safer with the team rather than wandering by herself. She thought a second of staying in Wakanda but knew she wouldn't exactly be welcomed with open arms in a country where an incident she caused killed lots of its people.

4 Days Later...

The day had come and they finally reached the safe house in Spain. They were all there except Bucky because he was in Cryo-Sleep also Scott and Clint took house arrest instead. Wanda knew somehow the government would be nowhere as lenient with her and Bucky. For now, being here wasn't the worst thing. She had Sam she could turn to when she felt her emotions getting the best of her, Steve when she wanted to talk about Bucky, and Nat when she just needed to hang out with another girl. All she was really missing was Bucky and this would be a perfect scenario otherwise being with people she actually liked, but they were also all fugitives of the world so...

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