Part 17 - All About Bucky

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It had been a week since they got to the safe house in Spain and things weren't looking great for the rogue Avengers. While out on a grocery run, Wanda and Steve were glared at for a little too long by a cashier. Wanda hated looking into people's minds if it didn't call for it but she had to know what the cashier was thinking.

Her worst fears coming true she heard him thinking, "That's Captain America and the witch from the Avengers, they are wanted criminals." First off Wanda wasn't a witch at least to her knowledge and now they were fucked.

As soon as they paid Steve realized Wanda seemed extremely anxious after checking out. He assumed that she was having a panic attack which was not uncommon ever since he broke her out of the Raft and thought Sam could help her out once they got home.

They reached the door Wanda nearly running into the house but before she could Steve grabbed her arm. "Hey, I want you to talk to Sam right now.", he said in a charismatic manner.

Wanda looked up at him and said panicked, "The cashier knows who we are, he was going to call the feds."

Steve looked at Wanda confused about how she acquired this knowledge but remembered she could read minds. "Tell Nat to pack, you pack yourself and I will tell Sam to get ready to leave."

"Where will we go?", Wanda whimpered feeling horrible from thinking she blew their cover based on all her recent news coverage.

"There's another abandoned SHIELD safe house in London, we weren't going to go there until another couple of weeks but I guess we're going now." And with that, they parted ways warning Nat and Sam to leave and possibly get caught up in a fight.

2 Weeks Later...

It had not been easy but after a week's journey and another week's worth of laying low in various crappy motels, they finally made it to the safe house in London.

While leaving the safe house in Spain, like Wanda expected the cashier called the feds and they were close behind as they left. On the way to their getaway car, they came across two Spanish police officers and had to hide from them trying not to cause conflict.

After getting out of Spain all they had to do was drive but that also had complications with it. There were checkpoints at each border of a country and Wanda had to use a little mind control to persuade the guards otherwise. She hated every second of it because it would remind her of HYDRA controlling her, Bucky, and Pietro's minds.

Once they reached the English Channel they decided to burn the car they were using so they could take a ferry to England. No one knew why they burnt the car but it was a unanimous decision. Wanda thought it was just for fun, and it was fun, not to mention slightly therapeutic for them as a group.

After staying in some crappy motels for a couple of days while trekking England, they finally settled in the safe house. It was larger than the first with 3 bedrooms instead of the 2 in Spain. Sam and Steve shared a room while Wanda and Nat had their own rooms which they both had to admit was nice. They loved each other like sisters but Wanda's nightmares proved difficult for Natasha to bear during the night. It hurt Nat to see Wanda in so much pain. An added factor to Wanda's nightmares was that Wanda could somewhat absorb others' nightmares if they were nearby and Nat had plenty to share.

While Nat and Sam were on a grocery run, they took over because they were less mentioned in the news, Steve thought he should talk to Wanda. He wanted to talk to her about Bucky and just how she was holding up overall. They had spent lots of time together over the past month or two but were constantly in danger of being chased so they never had time to talk.

Steve walked down the hall to Wanda's room and tapped on the door, "Mind if I come in kid?"

Wanda opened the door snarking, "I'm not a kid Steve."

"Everyone is a kid to me I guess."

"Yeah, but you are biologically still in your 20's so we are really the same age which gives you no levity to call me kid."

"Point taken.", Steve laughed at Wanda's reasoning. "How do you feel about Bucky?", he almost blurted out afraid of her reaction.

She looked at him intensely for a second not wanting to talk about Bucky but knew it would just feel good to get it off her chest. "To be honest, I'm angry that he left me again and didn't say goodbye. I'm sad he's not here with me." She took a deep inhale looking at Steve's face which he was trying to hide his shock but wasn't very well. "At the same time, I'm happy he's getting better. Glad there is a chance he can be happy for once.", she said now crying from her outpouring emotions.

Steve embraced her in a hug, "He was happy when he had you, it didn't matter that HYDRA was the place you met him but just that you met him. He's crazy about you kid.", Steve smirked knowing what he said was 100 percent true.

"You called me kid again Rogers.", Wanda laughed in between tears.

"You will get used to it.", Steve snickered.

2 Months Later...

Wanda thought it would have gotten easier over the past 2 months when in fact it was the same pain every day. Every time something remotely positive happened she wished Bucky could be there to experience it with her. Every time something sad happened she wished Bucky was there to comfort her, overall she just wanted him there.

Steve had just gotten back from a run with Sam, just because they had to keep a low profile didn't mean they didn't have to be in shape if an emergency called for it. After taking a shower he saw his duffle bag which he used to travel rumbling. He leaped into his bag knowing it could only be the Wakandan beads Shuri had given him while he was in Wakanda the first time. Steve quickly pressed the first bead and a hologram of Shuri popped up. Before she could say anything Steve blurted out, "Is Bucky ok?"

"Yes, in fact, Bucky will be waking up in two days, and I think you and Wanda should come by tomorrow. But don't tell her he is going to wake, let's make it a surprise.", Shuri explained.

"How will I get here there without her knowing about it?", Steve asked.

"Tell her I want to talk to her about her powers, I want to study them. It's not a lie either.", Shuri explained.

"We will be there tomorrow, I really can't wait guys.", Steve laughed.

After receiving this news Steve ran to Wanda's room not even knocking on the door, luckily she was decent. "Pack your bags we are going to Wakanda."

"Why, did we get caught again?", Wanda stressed.

"No, Shuri just wants to test your powers so she could help you control them."

"Ok, any news on Bucky yet?", Wanda questioned.

"No, Shuri said she's almost done so while we are there he may be ready.", Steve hated lying to Wanda but it was what Bucky asked.

"Can Sam and Nat come with us?"

"Course kid.", Steve said pulling her in for a hug.

That night the four of them left for Wakanda with a jet Shuri sent for them, with only Steve knowing what was in store for them once they arrived.

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