Part 21 - Will You...

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*Hey guys, only one chapter to go after this and I hope you will enjoy it. This is my first story and to see the response the reader have given me has really encouraged me to right more. My two OTP's are definitely WinterWitch and ScarletVision but I may start a one shot series with other ships. A sequel will be in the works as soon as this story is over though there will be no updates from 4/8 to 4/12. I'm going to try and rap this story up before then and maybe get 2 chapters of the sequel out to tie you over for the time being. This is the last chapter with the opportunity to vote for the sequel before I announce it on the final chapter. The prompts being : Idea 1 is true to the comics being that Wanda gets possessed by the demon Chthon and goes on a path of destruction with no one but Bucky able to stop her. Idea 2 is Bucky and Wanda try to start a family but the remnants of HYDRA pick up on their idea. Idea 3 is about Wanda after trying to cast an extremely difficult hex and gets sent back to 1939 Brooklyn when she stumbles across a pre-serum Steve and Bucky with ramblings of the next great war on the way. Please vote and a shout out to all the people who have read the story up to this point. You guys really motivate me to write more so a big thanks.*

After a close encounter with Secretary Ross, the rouge Avengers were finally going back to Wakanda, Wanda's real home. She was constantly anxious either about the worsening condition of Vision or that her and Bucky would have to put their life on the line again to save the world. She was stressing so much that she didn't even realize when they entered the Wakandan border. They landed and where immediately greeted with T'challa and the Dora Milaje.

T'challa explained all the preparations they had taken to insure that Wakanda would be the safest it possibly could when the battle came. Wanda completely spaced out until she heard from the back, "And a semi stable 100 year old man."

A smile light up on Wanda's face knowing exactly to that slightly husky voice belonged to. She ran to Bucky which had the smuggest look on his face because Wanda had completely left Vision's side to run to his arms. It's not that he didn't like Vision, he was nice enough but his relationship with Wanda was iffy. Wanda claimed they were best friends and Vision had never felt anything for her so that was it. She was by his side and that was all that mattered. If you couldn't tell, Bucky was extremely jealous of anyone having romantic feelings towards his love. "Doll", he said cheerfully bring her into a kiss. He looked up from the kiss and saw Steve looking back at him. They still hadn't talked since their slight fight but Bucky could already tell he was over it.

1 Hour Later...

For the past hour Wanda and Vision had been arguing if she should kill him or not. Wanda, Steve, Nat, and Sam were all opposed to killing Vision without an alternative while Vision and secretly Bucky thought they should kill Vision right away. He would never admit it to her but it was to much of a risk to find a different way to keep Vision alive. But Shuri did find a way, she had no idea how long it would take but it was a way to keep him alive. Shuri explained to them in dumbed down terms how she could help Vision get the mind stone out safely.

Even with it dumbed down they had to take a second to process it. "Wanda", Steve said catching her attention, "As soon as that stone is out of his head, blast it to hell." Wanda nodded in return.

Before they all left to the battle Bucky made sure he was able to talk to Wanda privately. He pulled her into the hallway before he said, "Please stay safe. I don't care what happens to me, please stay safe."

"I care and you need to stay safe. Plus I have a solid reason for you to stay alive."

"What?", he questioned.

"James Buchanan Barnes, you are the love of my life and I can't believe that we were brought back together after being separated. The universe tried to pull us apart multiple times but we threw caution to the wind and did what we wanted. We let no one decide what would happen to us, we created our own destiny and we got this far. That's why right here, right now, with the possibility of death, I'm asking you to marry me.", Wanda poured her heart out to him.

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