Part 14 - Losing Her

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Once Bucky and Steve were on the other side they were met with Natasha. Steve always knew that she was secretly on his side. After some exchange between the two parties, they were interrupted by Black Panther coming after Bucky. Steve and Bucky ran as fast as they could to the jet while Nat stunned T'chlla with a taser built into her suit. He had his suit on so the stun only lasted momentarily before he got up, Nat stunned him again but he shook it off and ran from the jet. He didn't make it in time, the jet hatch closed and they where off.


Wanda laid on the floor clenching her ears, she was in so much pain she didn't even realize Vision fly over to her. He scooped her off the ground and into his lap, he had compassion in his eyes which most would find strange for a Synthezoid, not Wanda. They were best friends. Before Bucky came back and after Pietro died he was the only one there for her.

"I'm sorry.", he confessed.

"Me too.", she mumbled. She was interrupted by the Quintjet flying over their heads. She was upset that Bucky would be gone again but she knew he would be much safer away. And it was like she said, they would find their way back to each other.

Lost in her thought more commotion flew over their heads with Iron Man, War Machine, and Falcon all chasing after the Jet. Over the coms, Tony said, "Vision takedown Falcon." Vision steadied his aim at Falcon's pack so if he fell out of the air he would be ok but he dodged it. Vision's beam misfired and hit War Machine right in his arc reactor.

With Bucky and Steve...

As soon as the jet took off Bucky had immediate regret. He felt like he was betraying the one person who actually loved him. He kept thinking about it but got distracted by a yellow beam shot right by them and hit War Machine.

Bucky looked out and saw War Machine hurdling out of the sky. He felt twisted inside when he thought he could use Rhodey's fall as a distraction to pick up Wanda. Wow, he felt like a bad person for thinking about that.

After shaking this horrible thoughts about Rhodey, Bucky looked back and saw US Army trucks rolling up to the airport. He immediately freaked out and ran to the back of the jet where he could have a better view. He saw the trucks unloading and pointing guns at everyone on the ground. He ran back up to Steve and said, "We gotta go back. Please, Stevie, we need to get her."

Steve looked back at Bucky feeling horrible for him, but he knew if he turned around Bucky would be taken as would Steve. "Buck, you know we can't.", Steve said sadly. Bucky looked at Steve with tears in his eyes, Steve had never seen him get so emotional and it broke him. For a second he thought about it but knew it wouldn't work. He was just about to tell Bucky, but Bucky just sat next to Steve sadly knowing what he was about to say. Steve patted him on the back tears coming out of his own eyes remembering about his decision when it came to Peggy.

"The only thing that will make me feel better is kicking Zemo's ass.", Bucky told trying to stay positive. Steve gave a small chuckle knowing how hard it was for his friend to stay positive in these times, especially when he got something back that really mattered to him. And kick Zemo's ass they would.

Back at the Airport...

At least 10 Army trucks surrounded them at the airport. One truck had a loudspeaker attached and it boomed over, "Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, and Scott Lang, please get on your knees with your hands up and surrender."

They all complied except for the obvious exception of Rogers and Barnes. Wanda sent a telepathic message to all her teammates, "Are we really going to surrender to them?"

Clint shook his head ferociously before thinking, "Don't fight back Wanda."

She looked down contemplating if she was actually going to fight them off, she could take them right. They all got up and started walking over to one of the trucks, first Scott got in, then Sam and Clint. Wanda was just about to go in handcuffs behind her back when she broke them. Red energy came from her body and blasted at least 5 guards away from her. More came at her with guns pointed but that didn't stop her from sending another shock out towards them. Clint shoved his way out of the truck and ran over to Wanda, she saw him and stopped using her powers to avoid hurting him. Before he could get to her he was tackled by a guard and was brought back to the truck restrained more this time. Wanda took that as a sign to start using her powers again but was stopped by a sharp pain in her back. She looked around and saw two taser barbs sticking out of her shoulder. She dropped to the floor and started convulsing, she was picked up by a guard and practically rag-dolled. She was placed in a straight jacket with her body limp around her. After an actual shock collar was put on her neck she was thrown into the truck with her rebel teammates. As she laid on the floor shaking she mentally told Bucky, "I love you, James Buchanan Barnes." hoping he would somehow hear it wherever he was.

Before Wanda completely passed out she heard Clint yell, "Where the fuck are you taking us?"

"Hell", laughed the soldier.

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