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YouTube party, Vidcon. Myself, Tyler, Troye, Zoe and Alfie were sitting at the comfy seats in the corner, almost everyone with some type of beer in their hands. Dan and Louise were at the bar, laughing loudly as they took shots and stared at each other with this awe I wished Dan stared at me with.

I'd be staring for a good ten minutes, zoned out of the floating conversation that was going on around me. I was completely focused on every move Dan made; the way his shirt rode up when he took a shot, the way his dimples deepened when he did one of his big, toothy grins, the way his eyes glimmered when he looked at Louise.

"When are you going to tell him?" I heard Tyler whisper next to me, causing myself to be snapped back into reality, staring at the blonde haired male sitting next to me, his eyes trained on Dan.

"What do you mean?" I asked sceptically, frowning slightly as he looked at me with these huge, sad eyes.

"It's obvious Phil, stop trying to hide it. I see the way you look at him." Tyler sighed, pushing the fringe back on my face. I sighed then, looking down and composing myself.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked quietly, to which he nodded, resting his hand on my shoulder. "I can't tell him. Everything we have created will be destroyed."

"It's always worth the try." Tyler sighed, "look at Troye and me; if I hadn't have told him I liked him when I was drunk we'd still be love-sick adults stuck staring at each other when the other wasn't looking." He laughed then, his eyes crinkling and irises shimmering as he mentioned Troye.

"It's different for you two, you knew Troye was gay." I sighed, shaking my head and looking back over at Dan. He was now staring at Louise with his head rested on the palm of his hand, smiling continuously. I gulped.

She's married, nothing will happen.

"What's the worst that can happen? Yes, he could leave you, but Dan's better than that, you know that more than most." Tyler encouraged, rubbing small circles into my shoulder. This is when Dan looked over.

He took a double-take, glancing before letting his eyes land on me. I gave him a small smile, waving slightly as I plastered in my best, fake happy. Dan nodded at me, a frown creasing his forehead as he stared at the hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" He mouthed, causing myself to take a sharp intake of breath, chest tightening. I nodded quickly, smiling again. Dan repeated the action before turning back to Louise who was now screaming with laughter, his eyes gleaming.

"I'm never telling him Tyler." I whispered, feeling the hot sting of year rise in my eyes. "Never." I whispered.

"Come on, let's go to the bathroom and sort you out." Tyler sighed, standing up before grabbing my hand. I followed suit, right on his heels as he led me to the bathroom, the time all too similar to mine and Dan's first kiss.


Short bleh don't kill me.

Te amo,

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