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Weeks went past and it was like the last six months never happened. Dan had been taking me out for meals and to movies even after I had moaned and complained. He was supposedly making it up for not spending time with me for six months, but just his company was enough for me.

I understand why he was doing all this, but at the same time I didn't. He's my best friend; he shouldn't have to prove how much he platonically loves me, but Dan feels he does.

It was a Friday night, Dan and I sitting on the sofa watching some crappy drama with our phones glued to our hands. However I wasn't watching this crappy drama or on twitter and tumblr, I was taken up by Dan. I don't know what it was, but something about the way he looked tonight; white bed top hanging loosely from his shoulders and baggy grey sweatpants with his hair just slightly curling, made my stomach do knots. This was normal, I admit, but it was never, ever this horrendous. It physically made me feel like I was going to vomit every five minutes.

Dan didn't once look up from his phone - aimlessly scrolling through twitter and replying to random subscribers as he went along - so he had no idea I was sat staring at him for half an hour. I only knew it was this long as the awful drama finished and my stomach rumbled.

"You should eat something." Dan stated, not looking up from what he was doing. Sighing, I rose from the sofa, suddenly feeling cold and unprotected as I shuffled my odd socked feet through to the even colder kitchen. I opened the fridge, grabbing out an apple and placing it on the side, slamming the fridge door shut with my foot in the process. I then continued to grab a knife and begin chopping the apple, although not feeling hungry.

I chopped the apple and placed it in a bowl, staring at it guiltily before picking a piece up, observing it. Dan had taken me out so much I was scared I had put on weight. What if I had? I don't go to the gym because Dan's always watching. I can't weigh myself, because if I have that'll just make me feel worthless and lumpy.

I didn't hear the glass door open until I heard Dan speak, causing me to jump and drop the apple back into the bowl. "Are you going to eat that apple or just watch it? Because I can tell you now, apples don't move." Dan chuckled, and I smiled weakly at him, looking back at the bowl. He then came up to me, wrapping his arms around my neck and staring at the bowl with me, continuing to speak.

"What are you thinking about right now Phil?"

"Nothing, why?"

"I know you're lying to me, you're giving that apple death stares."

I chuckled, shaking my head slightly as I turned, resting my head on Dan's chest and wrapping my arms comfortably around his waist.

"I'm just really not all that hungry." I murmured, just as my stomach made a loud growling sound, vibrating throughout my body. Dan giggled back at me, ruffling my hair before picking up a piece of the slowly browning fruit.

"You're starving. Now come on, eat up." Dan held the apple to my mouth, myself reluctantly taking a bite and chewing it slowly. He smiled, popping the other half into his mouth and chewing, a grin plastered on his face.

"That's all I'm eating." I mumbled, stepping back and out of the comfortable embrace I was once in, before walking out the kitchen, Dan calling my name on the way out.


I'm sorry if this one is slightly triggering, I really didn't know how to end it :(

Te amo,



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