What I want

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"You gave me a blow-job and I didn't want to tell you because you'd just regret it but it happened and I can't keep it a secret I'm sorry I shouldn't have let you do it." I spluttered out, my cheeks burning bright red as I fumbled with my hands in front of my stomach.

Phil stared at me, his own cheeks flushed pink, eyes once sleepy now wide awake.

"Please, I'm so sorry that happened. I-I don't like you that way. Oh god please can we forget this happened and get on with our lives?" Phil asked, embarrassed. My heart raced, breaking at his every word.

However I nodded, smiling slightly.

"Of course."

It had been three weeks since it happened. For most of those three weeks Phil and I kept ourselves separate from each other; Phil staying in the living room whilst I stayed in my bedroom. On occasion we'd share conversation, but never able to hold it longer than ten minutes before the silence kicked in and we found ourselves blushing and staring at each other awkwardly.

Every now and then I was still able to feel Phil around me, and every time I pleasured myself I pictured him doing the things to me.

And so I've come to the conclusion.

I want Phil to fuck me.

But he won't do it if I ask him, I have to make an agreement.

And so, here I was now; standing in the kitchen in just black boxers, staring at Phil's bare back. Clearing my throat, he jumped and turned, eyes widening as he took in my appearance.

"I've had an idea." I spoke confidently, when inside I was shaking like a leaf. Phil just nodded, urging me to continue. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what you did to me three weeks ago, and to be honest it's all I've been thinking about." Phil's cheeks reddened considerably, his eyes darting so he didn't have to look at me.

"But I don't like you that way and vice versa but I really want to do stuff so I was wondering if you wanted to be-"

"Fuck buddies?" Phil raised his eyebrow, finishing my sentence as it was my turn to blush. I nodded, dropping my head slightly.

"No cuddling, no kissing, no holding hands, just give each other the sex and then get on with our lives."

Phil seemed to thinking about it for a moment, when his eyes darkened considerably, causing me to gulp audibly. He smirked, stepping forward until he was stood with meer centimetres between us.

"I accept." He murmured, ducking his head and attaching his lips to my neck.

That was easier than anticipated.



Te amo,



P.s. Ellie, if you're reading, stop now, it gets rude after this ;)

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