I'm in love with you

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It was Tuesday, the 24th of July 2017, and I was hosting one of my live shows on Younow. Much like every Younow, Phil was in his room, minding his own business whilst I was in the office, answering questions and waffling about shit that was happening in the world and that precise moment.

Tonight, the fans were more adamant that usual to see Phil, and so eventually I had to go and get him.

Leaving the room for a moment, I ran down the stairs, knocking on Phil's door before walking in. He was lying on his bed, curled up on one side, hugging lion to his chest. I smiled, walking over to him and crawling onto the bed.

"Phil baby." I cooed quietly, causing a groan to emit from the man. "Everyone is bugging me to grab you on Younow so could you come upstairs please?" I asked calmly, running my hand down his cheek. He nodded slightly, yawning.

"I'll be there in a bit." Phil muttered, voice groggy and sleep-ridden. I smiled, whispering a 'thanks' before kissing his forehead, jumping off the bed and running back up the stairs.

"He's just waking up, will be with us in a few minutes." I informed the audience, and a mixture of 'AMAZINGPHIL' and 'OMG HE'S GOING TO HAVE SLEEPY SEX VOICE' erupted in the chat box. I laughed, shaking my head before resuming what I was previously talking about.

Phil showed up five minutes later, glasses on and hair ruffled. "Amazingphil everybody after an hour nap." I laughed, ruffling his hair as he sat down. Phil said hello whilst yawning to emphasise how tired he was, before proceeding to say he looked awful and fix his hair. Once again, the chat went mad about how that could be what he looks like after sex.

It was, but much hotter.

"So Dan, as I'm here what shall we do?" Phil asked, or should I say Amazingphil, as they are two different people. Phil is calmer and sweeter, but also dirtier and sexy. Amazingphil is cute and adorable and never rude. I guess it's the same for me; Dan is quiet and reserved and loving, whereas danisnotonfire is obnoxious and loud and dramatic.

"I thought we could let them ask us some questions, what do you think young Philip?" I clapped my hands together, furrowing my brow slightly.

"Sounds wonderful Daniel." Phil nodded, and began rambling on about how his nap was so amazing whilst we waited for questions.

"Okay, the first question is..." I stared at the chat, trying to pick one out whilst the words kept flowing up my screen. "who is louder in the shower?" Phil laughed, shaking his head.

"Definitely Dan!"

"No I'm not!"

"You're so loud! I don't want to hear you singing Celine Dion at 10 in the morning."

"It's a beautiful serenade, I don't know what you're talking about." I faked hurt, and Phil patted my back in a way to 'comfort' me.

Younow went on like this for roughly fifteen minutes before we started to call it a day.

"Okay we are going to do one more question and it's going to be the next question Dan sees." Phil announced, looking over at me.

"Why does it have to be me?" I laughed, but did not protest as I set my eyes on the chat for the last time that night. I wish I had looked a little later.

There was silence for a few moments before Phil spoke up.

"So, what is it Dan?" He asked innocently as I sat there frozen in my seat. I could just lie. They wouldn't know. But I've seen it now and I've acted upon it.

"Can you two kiss on camera?" I said out loud. Phil laughed nervously as I sat back in my chair and I looked at him. Gulping, I turned back to the computer, seeing the chat go crazy about it, all of them yelling 'phan'. I muted myself quickly and let out a groan, turning back to Phil.

"Why did you read that out?"

"You said the first thing I see!"

"You could've lied!"

"Well I didn't did I!"

"Should we do it?"

"I don't know."

"Dan we need to unmute you."

"Are we doing it?"

Phil clicked the mute button again and stared at me, then back at the computer, then back at me. He looked so nervous.

I nodded slightly and Phil took a breath in, as after this it would be out on the internet forever and there would be nothing we could do about it.

"Here goes nothing." Phil whispered and I nodded again, leaning in and pressing my lips to his gently, closing my eyes as my heart raced and cheeks burned. We stayed like that for a moment, before I started pulling away. However, Phil chased me, pressing his lips to mine again and I squealed slightly, resting my hand on his cheek.

"Phil!" I managed to get out in the tiny break before he was moving his lips against mine, slowly and heartfelt. I sighed contently, kissing him back with as much passion, completely forgetting we were live.

We pulled back a moment later and looked to the computer, Phil hiding out of frame and giggling. That's when I started laughing too. It was surreal. I never thought we'd do that on camera, ever. I looked to Phil who was blushing madly and covering his face, then back to the computer where everyone was exploding the chat, not believing what was happening either.

"It happened!" Phil squealed before getting off his chair and jogging out the room.

"Phil!" I called, and he turned round, looking at me with a cute smile plastered on his face. "Come here." I whispered, and he frowned, walking up to me. I grabbed his collar, pulling him down and pressing his lips back to mine, pushing him back once I was done.

"Thanks." He laughed, waving to the camera as he continued to giggle, before leaving the office.

"I love you!" I yelled and he kept laughing, myself shaking my head as I began to end the live show. "So yeah, Phan is real." I laughed, trying to ignore the fact my cheeks were burning red. "Thank you everyone and I will see you on Thursday when I upload a video." I grinned, before going offline, leaning back on my chair.

Five minutes later I was waddling into the kitchen where Phil was stood, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my stomach flat against his back.

"Hello." Phil grinned, resting his head back against mine, lifting a hand and running it slowly through my hair. I mumbled, ducking my head and rubbing my nose against his collarbone. Phil sighed contently, myself turning my head as I began kissing his neck, closing my eyes. "Dan." He warned, tugging on my hair slightly.

I pressed my crotch to his arse, rolling it slightly as I continued to kiss and occasionally bite Phil's neck, eventually turning him round and kissing him straight on the lips. Phil whimpered, kissing me with force and determination, completely the opposite to just five minutes ago. I pulled back, resting my head against Phil's and grinning.

"I'm in love with you."


And that's it....
I feel I could have ended that better but I'm really stuck with this and I felt I needed to end now because I'm kinda getting bored with writing it and I just want to start my other one.... sorryyyy.


I hope you liked it and thank you so much for all the support with it and stuff, you guys are amazing.


Also I have some ideas for new phans so yay, things are looking good.

For the last time on this phan,

Te amo,

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