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His breath was hot and heavy against my ear, hips rolling into mine sloppily as he gripped at my arse, our naked body's rubbing together.

"Fuck Phil." He groaned, his climax so close that was all he was saying to me. Dan was a hot mess on top of me, being all dominant was apparently his secret thing. His length felt so full inside me, filling me in a way I'd only felt on one night stands. And it had never felt this good.

Our bodies pressed against one another's, sweat covering us from head to toe as he slammed into me lazily, just felt too good to put into words.

And just as I thought it couldn't get any better, he climaxed.

I whimpered loudly, my eyes rolling back in their sockets as I felt him fill me to the point of almost exploding. The warm liquid sent shivers down my spine as Dan began slowing right down, pure ecstasy the only emotion on his face. And I had done that.

I sat up abruptly, sweat dripping from my forehead as my fringe and tee clung to me. I checked under the covers, groaning and falling back down as I realised I had a massive problem down below. Crap had I really just dreamt that? Groaning once again, I peeled my sweaty frame off my bed and walked towards the bathroom, stepping in the shower without taking my clothes off. From there I turned the water on, letting it cascade down my body and pool at my feet, hand already in my boxers.

I remembered everything so vividly; Dan's breathy moans as he swore and grunted out my name, the feeling of our bodies being pressed together in such a close and intimate proximity. God I'd die for that to really happen. But I guess for now dreams and jacking off in the shower would have to do.

I grunted Dan's name quietly, my head rested against the tiles of the shower, my hand running up and down my length in a steady pattern. I wish his hand was replacing mine, his tongue all over my body.

I heard the door click but thought nothing of it, as this bathroom always came off the latch of you didn't lock it. However I was adamant I had. With my eyes closed, I pushed my boxers to my feet, soaking even further as I let my hand change its angle, running my thumb through my slit every now and then. I climaxed moments later, letting my body shake against the cool tiles and I whimpered continuously.

The door clicked again and this time I opened my eyes, only to have found the door still shut and how I had left it when I got in the shower. Once again, I stepped fully under the stream, cleaning my body and washing my hair, peeling my sodden tee off in the process. From there I jumped out the shower, wrapping a towel round my waist and my shoulders, walking back to my room.

A little more miserable than I had after waking up.


Sorry to break your dreams. No, the did not frick frack, Phil just dreamed so

Te amo,



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