Did not

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I awoke with a headache, groaning slightly as I looked around the apartment with hooded eyes. It was a mess to say the least; beer cans discarded on the floor, toilet roll strewn across the sofa and wine spilt on the coffee table. Only then did I realise there was a weight on my legs.

A hot, sticky weight.

I was half naked, Phil's head resting on the one part of me I wanted covered. Groaning quietly, I slammed my palm into my head, sighing as I pushed Phil's head off my lap softly, before standing. From there, I grabbed all of my discarded clothes, walking lazily to the bathroom and turning on the shower.

I hopped in, letting my body relax as the hot stream of water ran down my sweaty body, letting the events of last night sink in. I could still feel his lips around me, his hot breath against my lower abdomen. I could still hear his whimpers and shortness of breath in my ears, and the strangled grunts he made as I came undone in front of him.

But Phil was drunk.

And he wouldn't remember.

As much as I enjoyed it with everything I had, I couldn't let Phil know it had happened. I knew he'd regret it if he was sober, and that would just hurt me even more than the current crushing in my chest.

I missed him already.

After washing my hair and chest, I turned the water off and stepped out, the room steaming and fogging up the glass. I then grabbed a towel, drying my hair and body before wrapping it around my waist.

There was a crash from outside and a loud groan, followed by a quiet 'shit'. Chuckling, I shook my head and left the bathroom, to find Phil clutching his temples, hunched over on the carpet.

"How much did I drink last night?" Phil asked, grunting and groaning every few seconds.

"A lot." I chuckled, grabbing some paracetamol and a glass of water before passing it to Phil.

"Too much." He muttered, before adding, "never let me drink that much again."

I laughed again, adjusting the towel on my hips, staring at the elder as he gulped down the pills and water.

"You slept for ages after. It was probably longer than you've ever slept in your life."

"After what?" Phil frowned, staring at me with questioning eyes.

"Y-you f-fell off the t-table..?" My answer came out more of a question, and I curse to myself for sounding so pathetic. I was an awful liar, Phil knew that.

"No I didn't."


"Did not."

"Did too."

"Fine." He huffed, closing his eyes and resting his head on the wall, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout. I sighed; there was no way I could keep this up. Phil knew me better than I knew myself.

I muttered, "did not."



Te amo



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