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Phil was a little drunk, I must admit, but seeing him lazily move his hips in time with the pounding of the bass, a beer in one hand, standing on top of the dining table was turning me on more than it should do. His voice was husky, his jeans tighter than usual and his tee stuck to his body in all the right places, fringe flattened to his head with a layer of sweat.

I had only chugged down one beer, but Phil had decided to have five. Let's just say Phil's brain doesn't last long against alcohol.

He got down from the table when the song finished, it changing to a much slower, soppier song than the previous. He smiled at me with one of his huge, toothy smiles, causing me to just shake my head at him. Phil pouted, putting down his beer and motioning for me to stand. I groaned, removing myself from my ever comfortable state of relaxation on the sofa, peeling my sweaty back and almost obvious semi from seated position. Phil squealed, clapping his hands and flinging his arms around me, shuffling so we had enough room around us.

"Dance with me Daniel." He whispered in my ear, my cheeks flushing as my length twitched at his tone of voice. I wrapped my arms around his waist, beginning to sway from side to side, in time with the music. Phil's hands rested at the back of my neck, his fingers playing with my hair. His breath was dangerously close to my neck, so I didn't enjoy the dance as much as I could've.

Phil got bored half way through the song, shuffling us over to the stereo and turning it to the next track, never breaking our hold. The music changed genre again, to one much like Phil had been dancing to, and his eyes lit up. His lips formed a mischievous smirk which honestly, made me feel a little uncomfortable seeing as my situation wasn't the best, but nevertheless Phil moved us back to the middle of the room. Phil moved his face so it was centimetres away from mine, my breath catching in my throat as I swallowed hard. He chuckled lowly, moving his lips to my ear, his breath hitting it in hot, jagged patterns.

"Do you wanna know why they call me AmazingPhil?" He muttered huskily, a blush reforming on my cheeks along with a strained breath leaving my lips. He caught my earlobe between his teeth, pulling it out before letting it ping back into place. My grip tightened on his waist, squeezing his hips slightly.

"Phil..." I warned, knowing he was drunk. I didn't want him to regret anything in the morning, and I knew he would if he carried on.

"Danny..." He purred, kissing my jaw and up to my cheeks, moving his kisses along until they hovered above my lips, my own parted with anticipation. "I'm a wimp when I'm sober." Phil muttered, before pressing his lips softly to mine. It started off slow and cautious, before both of us gained more confidence and eventually we were tugging at each other's clothes and hair, our hot breath passing our lips in short pants.

Phil was the first to remove his shirt.

I let my hands run over his bare chest as he stared at me, tugging at the bottom of my tee. I then removed my own, my hands finding his chest again as I tweaked his nipples twice, earning a small whimper to escape the elder's lips. Phil slammed his lips to mine, kissing me sloppily before letting them trail down my jaw to my neck, just below my ear. I let out a disgruntled moan, by cheeks burning up as Phil chuckled, nipping the same spot.

"Phil don't mark me." I muttered quickly, gasping as he pressed his tongue flat against my neck, licking a stripe up my exposed skin.

"Is this why you hate your neck being touched Danny?" Phil questioned innocently, continuing to occasionally bite and lick my neck, soft whimpers and the odd groan leaving my lips.

"Is it your weakness when someone sucks and bites your neck?" He continued, his hands running down to find my arse, pushing me closer to him. Only now did I realise how hard I actually was, and how hard Phil was too.

"Do you not like being putty in someone else's hands?" Phil teased, taking the skin between his teeth and rolling it, causing me to grunt and involuntarily buck my hips into his, causing us both to gasp at the much needed friction.

"God I could fuck you so hard right now." Phil's tone changed, sounding a lot more aggressive and hot. "But I'm drunk and I want to remember what I do to you." I whimpered, gripping at his bare skin.

"Phil please." I whimpered loudly, pressing my forehead to his shoulder.

"That doesn't mean I can't do anything else though." He murmured, before getting to his knees.


Did you really think I'd give you smut this early on?? Please ;)

Te amo,



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