Coffee chats

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It hadn't even been ten minutes before there was a soft knock at the door, followed by the sound of the hinges creaking open.

"Phil?" His soft voice called, the sound of mugs rattling as he made his way over to my bed, stopping as his leg grazed my still foot. Sighing, I sat up slowly, almost painfully for Dan, as I shuffled around on my bed until my head rested heavily against the headboard. I then patted the spot next to me, my duvet leaving a small indent as to where my hand had just been. The chocolate haired male passed me the floral tray of coffee and biscuits, before clambering onto my bed, copying my seating position. "I made you coffee." Dan stated the obvious, his hands fumbling awkwardly on his lap.

"I can see that." I raised my eyebrows, turning to look at him. That's when I noticed how tense he was next to me. Dan's back was crooked, legs bent up so his feet lay flat on my bed, neck stiff. His hands alternated between fumbling with his shirt and his jeans, never once stopping. "What's wrong with you?" I asked bluntly, as Dan had nothing to be in the slightest bit concerned with.

"I-I have the feeling... You don't like Becca." He mumbled shyly, and I managed a snort, covering my mouth with one hand. Dan frowned and looked over to me, his hands finally stopping the annoying movements.

"What was your first clue?" I joked, to which Dan frowned further.

His body language changed from tense to almost angry, his whole body straightening to make himself taller, even though he was already an inch larger than myself. He sat up, back no longer resting on the headboard and I suddenly felt a lot smaller than I should've next to him.

"Why? What's wrong with her? She's funny, beautiful, friendly." Dan listed, tapping his fingers as the frown grew to annoyance, his forehead wrinkling.

"Oh, I don't know Dan." I began sarcastically, placing the forgotten coffee and biscuits onto my bedside table, staring back at the male. "Maybe the fact that this is the most time I've spent with you since she came into your life? Jeez I don't know, maybe because I no longer have a best friend because he's always 'busy' with Rebecca?" My eyebrows raised, crossing my legs as he stood up.

"Don't call her that." Dan spat, folding his arms. "Maybe if you made the effort to speak to me then you'd still have a best friend! Maybe if you didn't try to kill yourself-"

Our eyes widened simultaneously, and the younger took a step back. I dropped my head, tears rising in my eyes. "Phil I-"

"Get out." I muttered, my hands clenching into fists.

"No please I didn't-"

"Get out!" I screamed, holding in the tears until I heard click shut, before letting them run freely onto my duvet, collapsing onto the soft mattress.


I really like this. What about you?

Te amo,



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