It's okay

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Dan's point of view yay

Phil had been avoiding me since last night, not even staying in the same room as me. As soon as I walked in, he left. As soon as I left, he walked in. This had been happening ever since I left him in his room last night.

After the kiss.

It just happened; I wasn't thinking. But he looked so beautiful and after what happened earlier I just wanted to love him. I wanted to love him more than I had and was; I wanted to hold him and cuddle him and kiss hi-

I wanted to kiss him?


I wanted to kiss him.

But I wasn't even gay, was I? It had never crossed my mind, ever. I have only ever dated girls and that's all I thought I'd ever do. But now Phil is here and suddenly I'm feeling all these extra emotions I don't know what I want.

I had gotten aroused yesterday, just by being able to touch and hold him. God I hope he didn't notice. And Phil was cryi- crap he didn't want that. He didn't want me to kiss him. He didn't want any of that and I had forced it on him without a seconds warning. I'm an awful person. First I break up with a long term girlfriend then I go and make out with my non-willing best friend. I almost kill the poor guy and then I pull this stunt? Shit Dan no wonder he is ignoring you.

It was the night after, Phil in his room and myself in the lounge. Tonight I was adamant to talk to him; we couldn't go on like this forever. I at least needed to confront him and say sorry. It's what we both needed. I pulled my body off the slouching sofa, standing up and stretching my arms above my head before waddling over to Phil's door, raising my fist. I couldn't just knock and expect him to answer. I needed a plan.

I pounded my fist firmly on the door, hearing Phil shuffle around inside and walk towards the door. The handle turned and the wood opened just slightly, Phil's head peeping through the gap.

"I need to use your tri-pod, if that's okay." I mumbled, stuffing my clamming hands into my pocket. Phil nodded gingerly, opening the door fully before he began trying to squeeze past me. Immediately I slammed my palm onto the door, startling Phil and causing him to jump back a step, his head to the floor.

"Let me past plea-"

"We really need to talk Phil. If we don't talk then this won't get resolved, and we will ignore each other forever." I sighed, as well did Phil.

"Fine." He muttered, turning on his heel and almost falling onto his bed, shuffling over so there was room for me to sit next to him. I did just that, taking my place beside him.

"I never meant to kiss you." I began, and Phil instantly relaxed his shoulders, slouching on the bed slightly. "I really don't know what came over me. After what happened I didn't know what to do and how to act. My thoughts were messed up and kissing you seemed the most logical thing to do to make things better-"

"It's okay." Phil said quietly, looking over to me. A cute, small smile was spread across his face, eyes glistening slightly. "I would've done the same thing if I were you. I get it. I'm not mad at you."


This is short gahhhhh

Te amo,



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