Believe me, I love you pt. 2

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"I broke it off. My attention is dedicated to you young Philip."

His words repeated again and again as I thought of a smart thing to say back to him. There wasn't much; the only thing my brain being able to find being completely ridiculous and childish. It didn't stop me from blurting it though.

"I'm older than you." I whispered, receiving a low chuckle in my ear from Dan. I was just hoping he couldn't feel my heart beating erratically in my chest. Dan's fingers made small circles on my lower stomach, just above that really annoying piece of fat known as muffin-top. It had been at least eight months since we last formed this position, and it only happened because I came home crying. "Why are you doing th-"

"I hurt you." Dan cut me off, his fingers stopping abruptly. "I understand what I did now, and I'm so, so sorry Phil. She blinded me and I feel so stupid for letting you get that bad." His voice was laced with concern and guilt, and I could feel his arms tighten around me.

"I let myself get that bad, not you. I should have been happy for you that you were in love and things were finally working out for you. But I was selfish and immature because I wanted the attention." I admitted for the first time out loud, because to a certain extent it was true: I had been selfish. I should have been happy that Dan was no longer depressed and in love with someone he could see the rest of his life with, but instead I went down a spiral if depressed nights and lonely thoughts.

I turned in his arms, moving a hand to Dan's cheek as his pupils shone from the small light coming from under the door. This whole scenario was so couple-like and cliché, but I couldn't be complaining right now.

"It's okay. I would've been jealous if I had been in your position." He smiled slightly, shuffling closer so our chests were almost touching. My brain was on a race to catch up with my speeding heart, my whole body feeling like mush.

"I was not jealous." I scoffed, to which Dan just chuckled, shaking his head.

"Sure you weren't." He winked, causing my heart to flutter. "God I love you." Dan giggled, pressing a innocent kiss to my forehead.

"Believe me, I love you." I whispered back, grinning like a child at a playground. Dan would be the death of me one day.


I want to leave this one here, I quite like it this way. I feel if I add more I'm going to ruin it.

Te amo,



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