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Dan's moans filled the room, bouncing off the walls and back at us, surrounding us in a coma of noises as I slammed into him. His nails scratched at my back, trying to find a stable place to hold onto but failing, his hands just sliding down my sweaty body. The bed was screeching underneath us, almost definitely vibrating into the room below us.

Dan kept groaning, his nails finding a place to hold just above my hips, digging in harder each time I drew back.

He didn't even warn me when he came over my bare chest, moaning my name as he broke the skin at my hips. I came moments after, slamming my lips onto Dan's and groaning, trying to muffle the sound incase a fan was walking down the corridor.


It was around 2:30 pm when we emerged from our room, both of us a giggling mess as we ran for the elevator, Dan pinching at my sides.

"Stop!" I squealed, jumping into the metal death trap and pressing the button that said 'G'.

"Never!" Dan laughed, jumping in after me before backing me into a corner, beginning to tackle my sides once more. I screamed loudly, my laughs now hysterical as we descended to the lobby, not at all realising we had stopped at the 1st floor.

"Dan!" I laughed, pushing on his shoulders, trying desperately to catch my breath. However before I could, we heard an unfamiliar giggle from the other side of elevator, causing Dan to jump off me and stare in the direction of the noise.

"Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. So this is what you guys get up to when you're not posting videos." The teenage girl laughed, phone in hand. Both Dan and I laughed awkwardly, rubbing at the back of our necks. The girl shook her head. "Do you mind if I get a picture with you two?" She asked, her voice now a lot more timid.

"Sure!" I grinned, opening my arms for a hug. Instead, the girl just slotted herself between Dan and me, holding her phone out in front of her. The meeting finished as fast as it started, with her saying thank you and leaving us at the lobby.

"That was weird." Dan mumbled, pushing me out the elevator and continuing to push me down the hall.

"I swear if you trip me up I will pummel you." I muttered, however unable to keep the smile off my face. Dan soon skipped into step beside me, hands in his front pockets. "But I agree, very weird."

"I've never had a fan who's just wanted a photo before. No hugs, no signings, no conversation. It was just odd." Dan kept his voice low, scanning the front hall for any walking fans. It was always strange at conventions; strolling the perimeter, looking out for any potential fans that were going to stalk us until they found our hotel room.

"It was weird. We might want to keep a low profile for now."


Filler, I'm sorry.

This is entitled butts because that's what I saved it on in my notes and I couldn't be bothered to change it.
New chapter soon.

Te amo,

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