Tangled Up

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I slammed Dan up against the wall, relishing in the sweet noise that escaped his lips. His hands instantly found my naked hips, pulling our chests flush against each other, both of us simultaneously groaning as our tents rubbed against one another's. Harshly, I bit into Dan's neck, sucking on the sensitive skin as I tried to focus on anything other than Dan's panting in my ear and the way his fingers gripped my sides every time I bit down too hard.

"Phil fuck please." He groaned, arching his back from the wall. In one swift motion, his boxers were off, as were mine. However, I wouldn't let myself look, as I knew I'd get too caught up and fall for him more. I couldn't forget that not long ago Dan was the dominant one, with Rebecca as his prey.

"Have you stretched?" I mumbled, and Dan nodded sheepishly, his cheeks flushing pink.

"Yesterday." He mumbled, to which I let out a small puff of air, my eyes shutting for a millisecond before reopening.

I regret that decision now.

My eyes took in the state in front of me, my gaze travelling from his hair to his length. Dan's hair was curly, strewn in all different directions from the tugging and the pulling. His eyes were black with lust, lips red and bruised from the kissing. His neck was wrecked with bites and bruises, colours of purple and blue staining the tanned skin. Dan's toned chest clenched as he panted heavily, scratches running up the sides, stopping at his v-line. And my god, his length was the most amazing thing I'd seen in a very long time.

"Phil?" Dan's voice broke me out of my trance, my eyes wide as he stared at me with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked, and instead of answering, I pulled that perfect boy and his perfect body into my bedroom, slamming him into the bed.

Dan went to my top draw, as if he knew what I needed straight away. His thin fingers gripped at the condom packet, tearing it with his teeth before throwing me the lube and placing the plastic on the side, letting me watch him, dumbfounded by how skilled he was in his current situation.

I suppose he'd had more practice that I had.

"Shit Dan I-"

"Fuck me hard Phil, please I need you." Dan and I groaned together, Dan because he was thirsty as fuck, and me because of the words that just rolled off of his sweet tongue. Immediately, I climbed onto the bed, squirting a stripe of the flavoured lube up his chest before gliding my tongue across it, humming at the way his muscles contracted under me. From there, I grabbed the condom, stroking myself a few times before I slid it onto my length, coating it with lubricant afterwards.

Dan groaned throatily as I pushed inside of him, moving his legs up to my shoulders before immediately pulling out of him, leaving only my top inside his body. "Phil fucking hell please." He panted, gripping onto my bed sheets. I let my hips snap back into him, both of us grunting as I rested my head on his shoulder, beginning a steady and firm rhythm.

The pace sped up quickly, my hips jerking into Dan with the younger hitting me mid way. My head was permanently stuck to his shoulder, muffled moans and curses flowing out of my lips almost constantly. Whilst one hand sat holding me up, the other jerked off Dan in time with my thrusts, the boy gripping at my back, his own arched off the mattress and head thrown back.

Dan screamed unexpectedly, his hips snapping quickly as he moaned my name with a mixture of 'fuck's and 'shit's. "There, Phil please." He panted, his nails digging further into my back, erupting a moan from myself. Dan climaxed quickly, shooting his load onto our chests, his whole body shaking as he came down from his high. I was quick to follow, Dan clenching round me twice before I moaned his name, thrusting into him a few more times before collapsing on top of him.

After our breathing was back to normal, I pulled out of Dan, the younger wincing slightly. From there I grabbed my clothes, slipping on my boxers and a t-shirt, refusing to let my eyes wonder over the state I was just on top of.

"I'll go get us a drink."

You have NO idea how long this took me to write... I literally couldn't think of how to write it at all without it being some lovey dovey let's make love kind of scene.
I hope I did the trick.

Te amo,

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