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It had been a week since the incident with Dan finding me on the roof. Just like I had thought, my best friend hadn't even mentioned the now non-existent suicide attempt that I had tried exactly seven days ago; and right now my so called best friend was in his room with the woman I despise with all my heart.

I was sat lazily on the couch, sprawled out with my laptop placed centre of my lap, editing a late video for my YouTube channel. However even my headphones couldn't cancel out the shortness of that girls breath and the creaking and moans that emitted from underneath the door. Sighing, I pushed my laptop away from my lap, hugging my knees to my chest as I contemplated whether to leave or to stay and torture myself.

Turns out that a few minutes later I was sat with my forehead against Dan's wooden door, tears streaming down my cheeks as he told her for the fifteenth time in the past five minutes how much he loved her.

They'd finished their countless frick-frack, and were now, from what I could guess, we're cuddling in bed, Dan placing kisses to her every now and then. From within the room I heard Dan rise, causing myself to jump and walk towards the front door, wiping furiously at my eyes. Soon after, Dan emitted from his room, hair curly and sweat clinging to his body, with only a t-shirt and boxers on.

I turned to see him slightly before grabbing the handle, yanking the door open.

"Going out?" He asked, voice groggy and lust-filled. I nodded, unable to trust myself in making full, working sentences.

"Something like that." I whimpered, slamming the door behind me before running up the stairs, towards the roof.

The air was cold and moist from the rain that we had been greeted with about an hour ago, however that didn't stop me from taking my usual place on the edge, feet dangling over as I looked out on the people below me. It was silent up here, although it didn't stop the racking of my brain working as it tortured me with the noises both Dan and Becca were making in his room. When the forbidden door was open, you could almost /smell/ the sex erupting like a volcano.

Before I knew it, tears were once again, freely running down my swollen cheeks, dampening my jeans and creating small black pools on my already dark trousers. I wiped furiously at my eyes, sobbing quietly as my contacts irritated my blood-short orbs, making them puff out even more.

Some would wonder why I'm not freaking out, being so close to death but never pushing myself that far to do so.

It had been roughly an hour, before the door to the roof opened, and instead of myself turning round to see who it was, I let my 'in-need-of-a-hair-cut' fringe blow in front of my eyes. The smell of freshly washed hair and shower gel slowly got stronger, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sighed quietly, dropping my head before spinning my legs round, letting them touch solid ground once again.

"You okay?" Dan finally asked after a minute of silence, and I just nodded, standing before batting Dan's hand off my shoulder.

"Fine." I muttered, shuffling off and back to our apartment.

Becca had left, as the apartment was silent and the fire was on, Dan obviously finding the other rooms too cold, unlike the one he'd been transporting body heat between two people from. My laptop hadn't been touched, now sleeping to save the battery. I walked slowly to the bathroom, listening to the front door click shut and Dan sigh loudly, as I took my exceedingly painful contacts out my eyes before placing my glasses on, walking out the room. Dan met me half way, both of us staring directly at one another, myself wondering what Dan was thinking in our current state.

The younger moved his hands to my glasses, straightening them with a small smile on his face.

"Better." He commented, his hand lingering on my cheek for longer than I was comfortable.

"Are you suggesting I didn't look as good when my glasses weren't placed properly on my nose?" I raised an eyebrow to which he frowned, shaking his head slowly.

"I just thought-"

"Don't." I cut him off, pushing past Dan's shoulder to my room, slamming the door shut before falling onto my unmade bed, groaning softly.


I have the feeling this will mostly be in the point of view of Phil, until it involves Dan a little more and then I will specify when it is him instead of Phil.

Te amo,



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