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It had been roughly a month of pure making out and fucking each other now, but Phil was getting more and more distracted these days. There would be days he'd want nothing, going back to our usual routine of making videos and acting like best friends, then there would be days he'd fuck me senseless against a wall or on his bed. Things were getting confusing, because my feelings were changing.

I was loving the fucking and being able to make out with Phil whenever I pleased. But it had gotten to the point I wanted something more. I wanted to be able to cuddle him and hold his hand whenever I pleased. I wanted to be able to sneak up and kiss him on the cheek when I felt like it. But I couldn't, because that wasn't our arrangement.

We were only allowed to fuck each other. No touchy feely shit.

And I hate to say, but I think I'm falling for him.

Deeply, madly, in love with him.

I just want to fix him all the time, make sure he's healthy and fit and working properly. I've been cutting his side of the bills recently so he can treat himself every now and then. I don't know why, but I just want to care for him.

He's perfect.

I've been making sure he has three meals a day, even if they're only small. For breakfast I will make him scrambled egg on toast, lunch a sandwich or salad, and dinner we make together. He never eats all of it, but at least he's eating, right?

He looks so peaceful next to me, head rested on my shoulder, light snores leaving his lips, hands clutched around my arm liked a koala.

"Phil, hey Philip, we are almost here. Wake up sleepy head." I whispered into his ear, moving the hair out of his eyes softly. The ebony haired male groaned, shaking his head and burying himself deeper into my side. "You get to meet your friends and the fans soon. Come on, I'll let you have a nap when we get to the hotel."

"I want to stay here. You're comfy." Phil muttered, causing a light chuckle to leave my lips as my stomach fluttered.

"Thank you, but you can't stay on this aeroplane forever." He groaned again, before sitting up, yawning and stretching his arms above his head. I watched the way his muscles flexed ever so slightly, and how the small double-chin formed when he pushed his head back. Hm, cute. Phil's eyes were closed again, his head lolled to the side. Shaking my head, I reached across him, taking his seatbelt and securing it just to the right of his groin, before I felt a hand on the back of my head.

"This is a compromising position huh Danny?" Phil murmured, his voice suddenly low and gravely. I gulped, knowing exactly what was coming as he trailed his hands down the nape of my neck before pushing me lower.

"Phil I can't get you off on an aeroplane whilst we are going to land." I warned him, trying to push myself back up but he stopped me.

"Everyone's asleep, besides, you're next to the window, no one can see you."

"Yes but they will be able to see something bobbing up and down at your crotch won't they?"

"Come on Dan, Phil's thirsty."





"Eugh, fine."

"Good boy."

"But if I get caught you're paying for my meals every night this weekend." I muttered, already undoing the zipper to his jeans and pulling them down to the edge of the seat. To no surprise, Phil was already half hard. "You're so fucking horny when you wake up." I mumbled, kissing the bulge in his pants. I heard a low chuckle above me, before a warm material over my head, plummeting me into darkness.

He'd actually put a blanket over my head. Twat.

I got to work immediately, circling his thigh with my tongue before licking a stripe up his bulge, Phil bucking against me slightly. A hand reached under the blanket, gripping the small strands of hair at the nape of my neck. I rolled my eyes, suctioning my lips onto his clothed length and sucking softly, Phil bucking up into me again.

"Dan, please." Phil whispered, tugging on the strands of hair he was holding before he tangled his whole hand in my head, pulling again. I lifted my head, taking the waistband of his boxers and tugging down, before immediately taking his length in my hand. A small whimper left Phil's lips, myself chuckling as I let my tongue lap against his slit.

Phil didn't last long before he was tugging harshly on my hair, his breathing laboured and other hand scratching the small of my back.

After deciding I'd had enough teasing him, I took Phil fully in my mouth, his nails digging into my back at the same time. I rested a moment, before he got impatient again and I then started moving, hollowing my cheeks and sucking every now and then.

Eventually, I stopped moving my head, letting Phil's hips roll into my mouth, my throat relaxed as he hit the back of it at every thrust. I heard a muffled moan above me, meaning Phil was close. I brought my hands to his hips, pushing them into the seat as I sucked him off harshly, Phil spilling his load into my mouth moments later.

When I came up, I didn't realise how much Phil had struggled to keep quiet until his lips were on mine and he was groaning into my mouth. We kissed roughly for a moment, Phil pressing his forehead on mine after.

"Was that okay?" I asked tentatively, receiving a nod from the mess that was in front of me.

"Thank you."





Phil and I rushed through the lobby, smiling to our fans as they screamed at us behind the barriers the hotel had put up. We already had our room and we were eager to get there after our journey over, as much as we loved our subscribers. Phil had promised to pay me back after what happened back there, and I wanted it now more than ever.

The lift binged and Phil and I rushed inside, smacking the button labelled '2' multiple times until the doors finally shut. As soon as the doors were closed, Phil dropped the suitcase, slamming me against the wall and beginning to kiss my neck. I moaned immediately, my hands finding his hips as I rolled mine up to meet his, head lolled to the side.

"Don't mark me." I warned, "Remember who we are seeing all weekend." Phil growled, biting my neck once before slamming his lips against mine, his tongue immediately slipping into my mouth. Both of us moaned simultaneously, slightly out of anger as we heard the lift door ping, telling us we were at our level.

Phil grabbed the suitcase and my hand, tugging me out the lift and down the corridor until we got to our designated room, having trouble getting the key card to work in the door. Eventually, he did, almost throwing me into the room as I ran for the bed, kicking my shoes off in the process.

"Clothes off Danny." Phil growled, already having taken his own tee off, discarding it at the door along with his shoes. I nodded, pulling my hoodie and shirt off at the same time, throwing it into the corner as I wriggled out of my jeans. When I looked up, Phil was standing at the end of the bed, stroking himself lazily, eyes hooded and black with lust.

"Shit Phil look at you." I moaned, feeling my lower abdomen pool with heat. Phil shook his head and shushed me, eyes not once leaving mine.

"I have no lube or a condom sweetie, looks like we are going raw tonight." He murmured, watching as I took my last article of clothing off, before crawling onto the bed.

"Fuck me Phil, I'm ready."

This is kind of a long chapter as I suck at updating right now I'm sorry I know you've waited like 5 weeks for this.
I wanted to mix things up a bit by making them go somewhere, just so you know, they're at Vidcon, I understand I didn't make that clear because I kinda didn't want to, it annoys me when people specify what convention they go to in the texts (idk why I'm sorry)
So yeah, here's some smut for you XD
If you hadn't guessed there will be smut in the next chapter too... They need to finish off what they've started if you know what I mean ;)

Te amo,

It's not just you - Phan (completed)Where stories live. Discover now