Things are real

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I'm not going to tell you when it is either Dan or Phil's POV now... it'll be pretty obvious anyway x

I had been pacing for hours now; my body tired and limp but there was in no way I'd be able to fall asleep now, only to be awoken an hour later. Instead, I decided to get ready for the day.

I went to my wardrobe, picking out a black tee, black boxers and grey skinnies, along with my studded belt. I then proceeded to stare at myself in the mirror for ten minutes, deciding whether or not I needed a shower. My hair was splayed curly on my sweaty forehead, clothes clinging to every crease and curve of my body.

I definitely needed a shower.

Tentatively, to not wake Phil up, I waddled over to the bathroom, it not occurring to me that I could hear the shower on and someone inside. Instead, I pushed the door open quietly, slipping in before my whole body fell stiff and rigid.


That's hot.

Phil stood there with his hand jerking up and down himself quickly, head pressed back into the tiles of the shower as water covered his body, soft whimpers escaping every now and then. I gulped, realising I really shouldn't be feeling a knotting in my lower abdomen right now. His soaked tee gripped his figure perfectly, boxers at his feet and now a dark shade of red.

But why was he getting off in the shower?

Granted, I had done it once or twice whilst living in this apartment, but it had always been after I had a dirty dream about someone or an unfinished teasing session with a girlfriend. Why would Phil be having dirty dreams? Who is it he likes?

These thoughts only clouded my mind for a few seconds as I realised how hard I was actually getting whilst my eyes were trained to Phil's hand running laps up and down his dick. Also the fact that in any minute he could turn and see me staring at him from the door. Not that would be a massive problem, maybe then I could finish him off with my mout-


I stepped back out the bathroom, closing the door as I began to mutter 'grandma' under my breath continuously. I didn't want to have to deal with a hard-on right now, just after experiencing my best friend pleasuring himself in the shower.

But for some reason I couldn't get the image out of my head. Yes, I had given up on trying to deny I found Phil attractive; bit I never thought I'd get hard watching him do that. I never thought I'd see him do that in the first place.

So yes, Phil wasn't as half as innocent as he made out to be on the internet; but he very rarely spoke about sex or anything rude in that matter, nor had I ever heard or caught him doing anything. Phil was always so caught up in his imagination to actually go out and pleasure himself at all.

I wished it was me pleasuring him that much that my brain couldn't help but conjure up every single scenario of either myself sucking Phil off, getting in him or the other way around. He's my best friend! I don't even see him that way!

Or do I?


Things are getting real.


I have literally been writing this for three days and this is all I've got, I'm sorry.

Te amo,



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