Not in that way

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It was the first time I'd actually seen Dan this distressed in front of the television; not once touching his food, paying no attention to the screen but focusing it all on ensuring his eyes never left me, but making sure he wasn't staring that obviously. Although I could feel his eyes burning into my flesh, if it being an object it would certainly leave a horrible mark on my cheek.

We had stayed like this for roughly an hour, and as I fidgeted under Dan's gaze, my brain decided it couldn't stand this type of feeling anymore. I snapped my head round, glaring at the younger who's cheeks instantly grew a nice shade of pink.

"If you want to say something can you just say it instead of staring at me?" I raised my eyebrows, however regretted my harshness as Dan's cheeks reddened considerably, his body sinking into the sofa a little more than it already was.

"I-I just wanted to apologise for earlier. I didn't mean to come out with that. It was the heat of the moment and that specific remark was completely uncalled for." Dan's breath caught up in his throat, causing him to cough after he spat his apology out, his shoulders meeting his ears.

I shrugged, shaking my head slightly as I turned my concentration back to the show on the TV, sighing.

"I'm over it Dan. Don't bring it up." I muttered, however clearly not 'over' it. I heard shuffling and the clinking of cutlery before the sofa sank next to me.

"But I'm not over it Phil. I feel terrible, and I know you're not over it or you'd be talking to me." Dan sighed, placing a hand on my knee. I flinched, shuffling backwards and away from Dan's now hovering hand.

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, I lolled my head back and closed my eyes. I could once again feel Dan's eyes burning into me. This wasn't fair; I was being cornered into a pit with steep enough sides that meant I wouldn't be able to get out of it any time soon.

I stood abruptly, not wasting any time in walking out the room and towards mine, only to freeze when I felt Dan wrap his arms around my waist, pressing his forehead to the back of my neck. "I'm sorry." He whispered, lacing his fingers in front of my belt. "I love you."

My heart sunk to where Dan's hands were, plummeting like the street lights do at midnight. I patted his hands, breaking free as my heart thudded rapidly.

"Yeah, not in that way Dan." I whispered, turning round and smiling softly at him. He stared at me, a frown creasing his glabella and pushing his eyebrows towards one another. His phone broke the silence, vibrating in his pocket to which both of us moved our eye line to.

"I should get that, it's probably-"

"Rebecca." I cut him off again, nodding and turning to my room, just in time to hear her annoying voice squeal out the phone.


I promise there will be action sooner rather than later

Te amo,



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