Chapter 1

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Hi Mi - Loves, Welcome back to me. This is another story that I'm introducing to all of you I hope I can gain the same support as previously published books.

Please note that I'm trying not to make very long updates just like in my previous book. It's very exhausting and hard. Please bear with me cause I promised I will do my best not to disappoint all of you.

I will try to create my chapters with not more than 1000 - 1500 words. but most likely it's 1000 words.

I hope you will understand.

Here it goes


Type POV

"NO!! NO!! NO!!!" I can't believe this is happening!! WHY!!! I studied for the whole weeks for this exam and this happen!! no!!! I haven't had any time with Tharn because of this!!! I hate it!! I hate losing especially this!!

I can't help but yell! I know I'm making a big scene here at the bulletin board of our building but I don't really care!! I hate this!!!

I'm Type Liam Phawattakun!! I am a very dangerous man especially if I'm upset like this!! They will get to taste hell if someone did have the guts to be in my way!! Tharn is not here so no one can stop me!! I'm literally hitting everyone I see. I even grab the hair of somebody and drag her to I don't know where!! I smash everything or anyone I see.

I pushed them, I even kick another man who tried to stopped me because I think I was pushed her girlfriend. Poor him but I don't care!! I need to let out all my frustration or else I will burst out and cause more scenes.

"WHO IS THIS F*CKING CAMILLA WATSON THAT TOPS OUR EXAM!!!" I yelled at all of the students who are standing behind me. This f*cking Camilla has the nerve to surpass me on our prelim exams!! I hate it!! No one ever surpasses me my whole like only today!! who is she!! This list is the list of the highest 10 students in our course.

I'm a business management student. I'm running for SUMMA CUM LAUDE in this year's graduation ceremony. It's been my goal ever since. I had to be the best and always No. 1 because I was raised to be no.1 and not a loser.

It seems that everyone was so afraid of me that they are so quiet and cannot utter any f*cking words!! I looked at them like I'm throwing a dagger into their directions. I hate it so much!!

"WHERE!!!!" I yelled at them which made them all flinch on their position!!

"Ahh, she is in the Engineering Building Type!! I heard she will ask an Engineering Student's opinion about her project." the girl was stuttering when she was speaking to me. I immediately looked at her and walk in her direction. I can feel how much fear she is feeling because of me. I can see it in her eyes and facial expression but I don't really care. She should be scared cause I can literally hurt her if I don't like what she is saying. I stopped in front of her

"HOW DID YOU KNOW?? DID YOU KNOW HER?" I angrily asked her. I grabbed her from her arms tightly, I can see that I was hurting her, she is wincing because of the so much pain I'm giving her but I don't really care anymore. I just need to find that girl and put her into her rightful place. No one messes with TYPE LIAM without tasting hell.

I came from a very powerful family. My family owns the biggest corporation here in Thailand. We own many largest companies in the world and even this school. This school was owned by our family. No one can enter here unless you are a Phawattakun or you came from a very wealthy family or you came from a very powerful heritage.

"Uhm, She is my friend. ahh ouch!! Please don't hurt me. She said to me that she had to go there to Engineering Building Room 2 before our class. I know she is still there because I haven't seen her return here to our building please let go of me. This is all I know. Please stop! Please!" She keeps begging me to let go of her. I glared at her murderously until I decided to let off her arms. Room 2? It's Tharn's room. I know that room because Tharn always brought me there.

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