Chapter 30

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Type pov

Weeks after...

I and Tharn are trying to get back to normal even though it's really hard when Eye is around.  We are trying our best to fulfill all the moments we are not together just like now. Thankfully, Eye has a group work activity today, which is why I and Tharn have the time to spend with each other.

We are currently here at a restaurant far away from the school. We have a long break for now because both of our classes are canceled. I and Tharn are currently eating while Hai is just outside guarding us. I asked him to join us but he declined. Such a serious human being.

"Boo, Do you love the food!! I want to bring you here because the food here is so sublime!! I'm 100% sure that you will love it here. I specifically ask the waiter here to make the  curry rice special.." I smilingly asked him.

He held my hand and smile at me.

"Yes, Bii!! I love it. Thank you for doing this for me. I know you are trying your best to make up some time for me even though you are already occupied with everything that is happening to you. You have Eye to handle, your school activities, your dad and now me!! You are such a superhero bii. I'm really lucky to have you.." he smilingly said to me.

"I'm the lucky one boo!! I know you have been trying to understand my situation so hard hell, if I were in your position and I see that there is someone else that you were holding and having your attention, God knows how will I react.  I am grateful to you boo for keep on being with me despite our situation right now but I promise boo, This is just temporary. Everything is gonna be okay after we graduate. We can finally be with each other for as long as we want to be. I promise!!" I said to him as I let go of my fork and spoon and just held his hand using both of mine

He let go of his spoon and fork too and held me back.

" I know bii!! I know and I can't wait for it to finally happen. I can't for us to be together again like what when we are in your mother's rest house.  It's been the happiest days of our lives bii. I feel like we are already husband and wife. I wish we can go back to those times" I saw how Tharn expression changes while saying these words to me. I can't blame him. Every day, I wish this is all just a dream and me and Tharn are still in that house by the beach. Peacefully and Happy!!

But I shrugged my negative feeling and smiled at him. This should be a happy day for both of us.

"Boo!! Don't be sad. A few weeks from now we will surely go back to those times. Me and You living together like a true family. We will have that life again. Just weeks more and everything is gonna be okay!!" I said which made him smile before answering me

" Yes bii!! You're right!! As ever!! I'm sorry if I'm starting to get emotional again. We should be celebrating today!! We finally have the whole afternoon for just the two of us!! "/he smilingly said.

I raise my glass of juice. I can only drink juice cause I still have my class later so I can't be drunk!! He raised his glasses too

" To us.." We both said in unison.

After we eat at the restaurant we decided to go out and go back to the university na. We would like to spend the remaining others in our room there. Actually, I wanted to. Tharn still wants us to go somewhere else but I didn't agree cause we can't have our privacy there!!

It is wrong for me to always wants to be intimate and private with him everything we have a moment

Am I really becoming are set maniac now??

No one can blame me!! Have they seen my boyfriend?? God! I'm so lucky I have him.

We are currently here on the sidewalk.  I'm walking backward teasing him while he is just walking too towards me smiling.

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