Chapter 49

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Lhong POV ( Don't curse this man so much!! He was just in love!!)

A week after

It's already been a week ever since I last heard something from Tharn!! I've been so worried for him already... He is not taking my call, he is not going to the office, I'm sure he is not with Type because I know Type is not in the country to avoid all the gossip that is circling the business world after he canceled his wedding to Tharn!!

I should be happy right?? I should be happy that finally he is really gone at Tharn's life but I can't seem to do it because until now, I don't know where is Tharn... I'm so f*cking worried about him... It's already 6 in the evening and I've been trying to call him for more than a thousand times already that my finger is starting to hurt...

What did I do?? Did I do the right this to push away Type from him... But I just love him so much!! I can't lose him!! He is the only one who is always there for me!! He is the only person who treats me like a normal person and not someone from who other people can leech money from... I only want his love!! Is it wrong for me to want him for myself... Am I being selfish about this...

I was about to ring his phone again when suddenly my phone rings


"Tharn?? Is this you?? Where are you?? did you know how much I have been looking for you!! I'm so worried, I tried calling you for a week now but you aren't answering your damn phone!! Please tell me where you are? Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay! PLEASE TELL ME WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!!" I said to Tharn, almost like I'm shouting at him... I don't care if other people are looking at me right now... I'm currently at a restaurant trying to eat my first meal of the day. I haven't eaten anything yet because of so much worry that I'm feeling for Tharn...

"Sir, Hello" I was confused because a different person answered me from the other line

"Who are you?? Why do you have Tharn's Phone?" I questioned the caller

"Hi Sir! This is Sunset's Paradise Resort. Do you know the owner of this phone?? I've called you to inform you that the man who owns this phone was currently drunk and sleeping here at one of the bars here at the resort. We tried to wake him up but he is not budging, can you please go here.. We don't want to call the police about this. He was involved in a fight. Thankfully we manage to separate them before it gets worst. Thankfully your number is the last one who called him that is why we decided to call you."

"Okay! I'm on the way, please take care of him for me.." I said to him and I drop the call... I quickly get some bill on my wallet to pay for my untouched food then I proceed on going to the parking lot to get on my car to go to Tharn!!
















"Thank you so much for helping me... You can now proceed outside..." I said to the resort personnel that helps me get Tharn inside the room that I rented here... I don't know where he is staying so I just decided to book a room here instead so that he can rest... He is so drunk!!

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