Chapter 41

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Author POV

It's been days ever since Tharn and Hai talk about what happen to Type for the last 5 years... Tharn was able to learn all the things that happen to Tharn... Tharn never expects anyone to understand his reason especially after learning everything that happened to his Type for the past 5 years... The only thing that Hai said to Tharn is...

"I will fix everything!! Stay here in this country Tharn!! Don't leave yet!! I will try and fix everything!!"

Then we went away leave Tharn so confused...

Hai is away for days already trying to do something important, Type was not aware of what is it but Hai just asked him to trust him because it is for his sake so Type doesn't have a choice but to let him...

It's been days already when Tharn keeps trying his best to ask for Type forgiveness but the man is not showing any sign of forgiveness for the Tharn... 

Tharn keeps trying his best to talk to Type to let him know the real reason why did he left the man behind but Type never lets him... He always did his best to ignore and walk away from all Tharn's effort to talk to him... Tharn was about to lose his mind already because he doesn't know what to do anymore to appease Type hatred for him, Added to it, that Tharn have to go back to the US for his company and he doesn't know when he will be able to go back to Thailand again... He cannot ask Type to go with him especially now that Type has his corporation to handle... He's been delaying it for so long already but he cannot continue to it anymore... So many people depend on him, He cannot just think of himself... 

This is the last day that the board of directors of their company gave him then he needs to go back to the US after this or else, they will pull out all their shares in the company and choose to put it on somewhere else... The director wants him to priorities their company and not his personal life...


Tharn Pov

"Tharn, Are you sure are you really gonna do this... Can't you see!! He hated you so much already!! I don't think he will ever forgive you again! Can you just please think of something else this time and don't waste your time for him anymore... He doesn't deserve you!! You are doing everything for him, you did everything for him but he doesn't appreciate it... You have to think of yourself this time Tharn!! You have to move on from him as he already moved on from you!! You have to fix yourself before it's too late!! Please listen to me!! As your best friend!! Please for once listen to me!!" Lhong angrily said to me as he trying to stop me from doing what I was about to do as my last try to coax Type and ask for his forgiveness

"Please Lhong!! You said you're my best friend right??? You should know how important this is for me!! Please support me on this!! I want to do everything for me to get him back but if this doesn't work yet! I promise I will go back to the US if that is the only thing your thinking about... I will do it!! I will not let your investment go to waste!!" I said to them

"It's not what I meant about what I said Tharn!! I just want you to think for yourself this time and stop thinking about him already!! Can't you see ?? He doesn't want you anymore!! He doesn't love you like how you love him!! Just give him up already!! Give him up..." I didn't let him finish...

"NO!!! I will never do that!! It's my fault why Type is hating me so much right now!! It's my fault not his so please don't ever tell me to give up cause I will never do it... I may be going back to the US if this doesn't turn up okay but I will never give him up!! I will do my best to wait for him!! He is my life!! Lhong!! He is my joy!! My everything and without him!! I am nothing!! You hear me?? I'm nothing!! So please stop bothering me and just help me get ready before he comes in!! I've been planning this moment for days already... I will not let a simple mistake ruin this... Can you just support me?? Can you do that for me??" I asked him... Lhong just sighs deeply and expresses his defeat...

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