Chapter 3

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A week after

Type POV

"Baby!! Chill, why are you so agitated, we already prepared everything for your dad's return. Everything is ready and in place you have nothing to worry" Tharn said to me.

I know that but I can't stop myself from thinking too hard and worry. My dad is coming today and I want everything to be perfect. I can't make him disappoint again, For what it seems for him that I've been doing that my whole life. I don't know why but my whole life all he can see is his disappointment in me and not my achievements. I tried my best to be the best son for him but I think my every effort is just useless. Everything is useless.

I'm nothing to him but just a person whom he doesn't have a choice but to train because I'm the only person who can inherit all of his fortunes. I have no siblings or any other relatives. I'm the only son just like my mother and father so I don't have any living relatives anymore. If I have, I don't know any of them.

He never treats me like his son. He acts like I'm just one of his employees that he needs to supervise and monitor. I hate it. I hate him so much but I don't have a choice. I promise my deceased mother that I will always be by his side no matter what.

"What about the food boo? Is it ready?" I nervously asked him.

"Of course bii!! Everything is ready. I already asked the chef to cook all of Sir Anton's favorites. I also make sure that they will serve all the food hot when it serves to him. I checked with his bodyguard and he said that Sir Anton has just arrived at the airport so we have time." Tharn explained.

"What about his room boo, You know how much dad hates dusty places because of his heart and lung condition. Maybe I just need to check it again. Maybe." I was about to go out and go to my dad room when Tharn stopped me and made me face him

"Bii, stop! You already checked it so many times. It's already been cleaned so many times. Every inch of that room was cleaned by your maid so I assure you, everything is ready. It's not gonna catch any dust for just a few minutes since you last checked it." He said to me and pulled me to sit on the bed. He sits on the bed while I am on his lap. He encircles his arm into my waist.

"You have to stop stressing yourself, baby!! You're starting to scare me. I know how afraid you are of your dad but you don't have to beat yourself too much about it. Everything is gonna be okay I promised. Always remember that I will always be here to support and help you right." He said I just nodded at him. He smiles

"So please stop worrying too much. You have me, baby!! I love you." He sincerely said to me. I can't help but feel so relieved and better after hearing him say this word to me. How can I be so lucky that I have this man with me?

"I love you boo. Thank you so much for being here with me. I don't know what would I do without you." I said to him, I snaked my arms in his neck and started to kiss him passionately

"Maybe crush and burn hahaha" He teasingly said to me as we let go of each other's warmth. I just laugh at his remark. He does know how to make my mood happy.

After a while of just hugging and kissing each other in my room, a sudden sound snap us out of our lovely session

"Young Master, Master Anton arrived and he is now waiting in his office. He asked me to call you." Our butler said outside my door.

"Okay, I'm coming. Thank you!" I said to him. I stand up from Tharn's lap fix myself and my clothes. I breathe so deeply cause I'm starting to feel so nervous again. I feel like any minute I feel drop and be unconscious. Tharn seems to notice it so he held my face and made me face him. He kissed my forehead and look at me with so much love

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