Chapter 14

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Tharn POV

I'm currently here at the bar with Lhong. I decided to go here after class because I think I need to breathe and clear my mind after what happened earlier at school. He did it again. He already promised me that he would try his best to hold his temper but he still manages to be into trouble again!!

Yes, understand that he did that to protect me. I already told him that he can protect me using other ways, he does not need to be in a fight just to save me. Can't he understand that I've been doing this to protect him too? I'm trying my best to protect him by tolerating everything. I don't want him to be involved in all my problems because I know how would he react to all of this. I know him so much!!

I asked one simple thing and he manages to blow it all off into my face. I don't know what should I do anymore!! I love him so much but sometimes everything is too much!! Our situation is so complicated already and he still does this!!

"What is your plan now Tharn? Are you gonna break up with Type now? It seems that he manages to make you angry now that you choose to go to this bar instead of talking to him." Lhong casually said.

Break up? Hell no!! I will never break up with you. I just need some space to breathe.

"What do you mean to break up!! I will never break up with him!! Never!! why would you think we will break up!!" I firmly said to him which made him looked so shocked.

"WHAT!! AFTER WHAT HE DID YOU ARE STILL GONNA BE WITH SOMEONE LIKE HIM!! FOR PETE SAKE THARN WAKE UP!! YOU DON'T DESERVE SOMEONE LIKE HIM!! SOMEONE WHO IS ALWAYS IN TROUBLE!! YOU DESERVE SOMEONE WHO WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY NOT HARDER!!" Lhong angrily said to me which made me angry!! Even though I and Type have indifference I will never allow anyone to talk bad about him. I go down from my seat and held his collar tightly

"Don't ever talk bad about him Lhong!! Yes! You are my friend but that is my boyfriend whom you're talking bad about. Even though you are angry at him he is still my boyfriend. Watch whatever you say about him cause I can forget that you are my friend right here right now!!" I angrily said to him.

"Easy Tharn!! I'm just stating the fact but if you still gonna be blindly in love with Type, I can't do anything about it anymore!!" He said to me, so I let go of him and go back to my sit

"I wonder, why is a relationship so complicated!! You will not say to me how did you manage to be friends with someone like him, I'm not trying to offend you but you two live in a very different world. Also, no one besides me and Type friends know about your relationship!! Why Tharn!! I don't understand." Lhong asked me while sipping his drink

"I can't tell you about it Lhong!! Our relationship is very complicated but the only thing that will never change is that He is the only one whom I will love my whole life. I love him even before I realized that I love him. We both went through so much just to be in this situation. I love him lhong! I can't live without him!! I can't!!" I firmly said to lhong.

He didn't say anything at all but just stare at me.

"So what are you doing here if you love him. Why are you with me telling me about what type did earlier!! You sounded that you are tired of his behavior and now you're telling me that you love him and you can't live without him!! I can't understand you Tharn!! I'm so confused because of you right now!!" Lhong irritably said to me.

"I just want to breathe Lhong, but I didn't mean that I want to break things up between us. I just want to give type time to think about his mistakes because if I will keep on doing things and telling things for him to understand what he did wrong, he will not learn about it. I need him to understand and learn about his mistakes on his own!!" I firmly said to him.

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