Chapter 47

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Tharn POV

Just a week from now is our wedding... Me and type are so busy but we still make sure that we always have time for each other... I'm currently here at a Bar with Lhong for my so-called bachelor party or if anyone can call this a party... Me and Lhong just want to bond before my wedding... 

"Tharn are you sure about your wedding with Type... You can still run away from all of this you know... I can help you! I can..." He sounded so frustrated by the way he is speaking...  I don't really know why Lhong just keeps on pushing me to just stop my wedding...

"Lhong!! What is this really coming from?? I told you already right?? Me and Type are destined for each other... I can't love anybody else except him... Haven't I prove that for 5 years that we are away together already?? See! I never ever tried to be with anybody else for these 5 years you know why?? It's because I can't!! I can never love somebody else except him... He is my life!! without him I'm useless!!" I firmly said to him before sipping another glass of drink. He frustratingly made me look at him...

"That's what I mean... You see, the destiny already made you away from him for 5 years already maybe it's destiny telling you that you aren't meant for each other... Maybe there is somebody else who is truly fated to love you and for you to love... If only, you will open your eyes and look for that person you will be able to see that person clearly!! Please just stop this nonsense and just come back with me to the US... You are more successful there! In the US, you are challenged and it always made you happy..." he said to me which made feel more confused... why is he acting this way... I don't really understand him sometimes...

"Look for who?? Lhong! Type is the only person I want!! I want no one else in my life!! No one!! Please stop pushing me to run away from him because I will not!! I will never do that again!! and I'm happier in the US?? When did that happen?? I'm never happy there you know why?? It's because he wasn't there!!! My heart is not there!! I'm the happiest person whenever I'm with him!! With him!! I always feel the most alive!! I don't remember myself feeling more alive more than when he is with me... When I touch him, it's like having the privilege of being able to touch the most precious thing in the world... I can understand that you are only concern for me but I'm telling you!! you don't have to worry about me because I'm happy Lhong!! I'm breathtakingly happy!"

I firmly said to me, his frustrated looks before sudden changes and became light... He seems to finally let go and understand what I want to say to him... He suddenly smiles at me...

"Okay! Okay! I concede I can never really win against your craziness with that boyfriend of yours" He smilingly said to me...

"I know haha" I was laughing while saying this to me...

"Oh! Lhong, Let me excuse myself first... I need to pee for a second..." I said to him... He just smiled at then I proceed on standing from my sit...













After I'm done peeing, I was on the way to get back to our spot when I heard my phone ring... It's my baby who is calling, I immediately answer it.

"Hi Baby!!" I smilingly said to him

"Hi boo!! You seem to be enjoying yourself ah" He said to me... I just smiled before answering him...

"Yes boo!! I really am... Is there something going on? Why did you call?? Do you want me to go home already?"  I said to him

"Ahh it's nothing boo, I'm just checking up on you! You don't have to rush... Just have fun but not too much fun ahh!!" he warningly said to me, I can't help but laugh a little after hearing him

"Hahaha of course baby!! I'm thinking to just stay at my hotel room tonight, this bar where we are drinking right now is just on the ground floor of my hotel... But if you want me to go home there I can..." He didn't let me finish

"To do that you have to drive right? No! boo!! Just stay in your hotel room... I don't want you to be involved in an accident of the way there... I'll just go there instead in the morning to give you some hang over food and medicine..." He said to me... My baby is really too good for me

"How can I be so lucky to have you!! Thank you bii!! I'll just see you tomorrow morning then... I promise I will behave..." I said to him

"Good!! I love you boo!! See you tomorrow!" He said to me

"I love you too!!" I smilingly said to him then we both hand up the phone...

"What took you so long Tharn?" Lhong asked me while drinking his drink... I proceed back into my spot earlier... Lhong offered me another glass which I gladly drink on before answering him...

"Ahh, Type called to check up on me!!" I smiling said to him then I sip another from the whiskey drink...

"Ahhh your possessive boyfriend called... Is he asking you to go home already?? Should I pay the bill?" He sarcastically said to me... I just laugh at him...

"Of course not Lhong... He told me to have fun!!! Type is not like that anymore Lhong!! His changed already!!" I smiling said to him

"If you say so!!" He said then proceed on sipping another from his drink...

After a while... I don't know what is happening because I haven't finished drinking the whiskey that Lhong gave me earlier when I suddenly felt my surroundings spinning already... Am I drunk already?? but how can that happen! I only have 2 glasses of whiskey and I'm very sure that my tolerance is high!! What is happening to me!!!

I tried to stand on my feet but I just felt dizzier...

"Lhong? What is happening!! God!! My head is spinning!!!" I tried to ask for Lhong's help but he also is spinning so hard

"Tharn??? Tharn?? Tharn???" I heard lhong repeatedly called my name but I can't really see him straight...



Author POV

Type arrive at Tharn's room... He was excited to surprise his fiancee especially that he prepared his hangover soup himself... He doesn't really know how to cook so it took him so many tries before he was satisfied with the soup that he was cooking... He doesn't want anybody's help because he wants to tell Tharn that he did all over it himself...

Type has a copy of Tharn keycard so it will be easy for him to enter Tharn's hotel room... Type who is so excited successfully enter Tharn's room but what welcomes him literally made him shocked and feel devastated... He couldn't believe what he is seeing that he instantly drop all the food and medicine that he was carrying earlier... He drops on the feeling so betrayed and hurt...

Tharn and Lhong are sleeping together in one bed naked... Lhong's head rested on Mew's chest while Mew hands so encircle and hugging Lhong's body!!

He couldn't believe this is happening!! He couldn't believe that after all the things that he faced in his life, everything and everyone that hurt him... This is the worst!! He couldn't believe the man that promises him his forever is like this...

 He drops on the floor and started crying!!

To be continued


I'm sorry about this Mi- Loves but I warned you already...

I'm not done yet!!! What do you think will happen next!! Only a few chapters left... good luck to us 🙂🙂🙂

Comment and Votes are so welcome

Love lots even if it hurts

Waanjai MJORA

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