Chapter 12

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Warning guys, This contains a smut-scene chapter update so if you think that you can't or don't want to read any of it. Please do skip it. I don't mind. I don't want to be a bad influence haha

I hope I can give you all the satisfaction.

Thank you for reading guys.

so here it is.


Still on flashback

Author POV

Type started to snake his arms into Tharn's nape to deepen the kiss.

For a few seconds, tharn is not answering Type's advances but then after a while, he closed his earlier shocked eyes and starts to answer Type's kiss.

He snaked his arms around Types back and pulled him closer.

They now shared an intimate and solemn kiss.

"I love you so much Type"

"I love you so much too Tharn," They both said between their kisses

After a few minutes, Tharn pulled type from the bed made him sit on his lap without breaking away from their kiss.

They started to open their mouths and welcome each other's tongues. They both savor each other sweetness. Their tongues are dancing while their hands are busy rubbing each other backs and body

It seems that they are in a different world and not of them wants to escape from it.

but after a while, Tharn seems to be awakened from this beautiful dream and realized what is happening.

He immediately pulled away from Type's tight grip. Which made Type became a little disappointed and upset.

"Type, we need to stop!! This is not right!! We have to talk about ourselves first. We can't do this yet" Tharn said as he pulled away from Type

"Are you still angry with me?? I already explained myself Tharn!! Please forgive me!! I didn't mean to hurt you, please!! Please forgive me" Type apologetically said while looking at Tharn so intently.

Tharn who saw how sad Type is so he quickly pulled the man into his arms and held his face to look at him

"Baby? Why are you saying this? Of course not!! I already understand!! I love you!! I can forgive you for anything!! Don't you ever doubt that? "

Type looked at Tharn immediately as he heard those words from Tharn

"But why ." Tharn didn't let type finish his word

He kissed him deeply then answered type's uncertainty

"I'm just nervous for you baby! What if you're not ready to do this yet. I don't want to jeopardize our relationship just because of my desire, we can always wait. we can always."

Type was so happy with what Tharn said that he quickly pulled him and kissed him again. He thought Tharn doesn't want him anymore.

"I want this Tharn. I want you. You have waited long enough. I made you wait. I hear you so much already. I made you suffer. I just want to give back everything. I want to fix something that is broken. Please let me" Type pleadingly said to Tharn while looking at him intently.

Tharn looks back at Type closely.

"Are you sure baby?" Tharn asked Type again, he is still hesitant. He doesn't want to hurt or make a big mistake again

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